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The winter has officially begun and there was still thick ice between seungcheol and jeonghan.

It's been about three week since the incident in the schools hallway. At first sign it doesn't look like anything dramatic that could literally destroy the fresh friendship between these two guys. But for jeonghan this action from seungcheol was way more hurtful than anyone would have ever thought.

It's not like his feelings were hurt but his pride was. The older was shouting at him in the full hallway and just ran away afterwards, letting the blond alone with dozens of curious eyes burning into his flesh. And one thing you should never do is hurting jeonghans pride since it's one of his most treasured traits.

Since then the three boys were keeping their distance to their newly found friend group,, not like any of them actually regretting having lunch in silence. On the other hand there was still this dumb mission they have to accomplish and jeonghans little fight was ruining the whole progress.

Two months left and all they got was a jeonghan in a constantly bad mood and nothing but the knowledge than their victim is the best secured teenager they've ever seen.

Jeonghan was sitting in his math class right now with an extreme annoying soonyoung beside him. Math was one out of two classes he has not with seungcheol, what means relaxing time for jeonghan.

As his eyes were on the gap to be fully closed, something hit the sleepy on the head really hard. "Oh sorry, han. I really didn't mean to hit you." Soonyoung who else? Again it doesn't seem like a big incident but interrupting his sleep is just adding up to his anger.

He just spares the tiger a death glare and turns to the other side to signal the younger that he won't be talking to him anytime soon. Soonyoung stayed quiet for the rest of the class cuz jeonghan can be really intimidating and even though he would never openly say but he was kinda scared of the elder.

One thing is pretty clear, jeonghan is anything than good in keeping his friends and it's worse than it seems.

After the bell rings jeonghan was already half through the doorway. "Jeonghan, wait." Soonyoung shouts after the male, catching up to him. "I'm really sorry about hitting you with my elbow earlier; I really didn't know I could hit you. I'm just so sorry; if I can repay you I'd do anything. Just please forgive me." The tiger looking male rambles.

It's not like the blow on the head mattered to jeonghan anyways, so he just rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, soon. It's just that you're sometimes so annoying. I already forgave you" It was a lie but deep down jeonghan knew that he was attached to the younger. Together the two went silently to the cafeteria where jihoon and wonwoo were already waiting.

As the two were walking down the hallways, they saw an alto familiar friend group but this time the four boys were not alone.

A tall boy was standing right next to them light brown hair was covering half of his deep brown eyes, his face was perfectly shaped and he looks like a foreigner. An evil smirk was plastered on his face while directly starring at jeonghan; it was not new to the elder. This smirk belongs to the person jeonghan dislikes the most in the whole world and he would do anything to whip it off of the boy's face.

As soon as the blond saw the guy he stopped walking which caused soonyoung to bump into his back. Curious why his hyung stopped walking glanced soonyoung over jeonghans shoulder and noticed the starring contest between the two.

"Uhm, hyung who is this?" Sonnyoungs question brought jeonghan back to reality.

Without a word he stopped glaring at the unknown and started walking in a fast pace to the cafeteria. He has to tell jihoon and wonwoo about the boy.

They all know him too well.

It was jeonghans nightmare, his worst enemy, his childhood trauma, the boy was his brother.

Jeonghan would do anything to get rid of wen junhui.


Firstly i want to apologize ik i said i want to update more often,, and as you can see it was a lie and im so sorry.

I hopepe you enjoyed this chapter,,thank you for reading <3

Uhm a lot happend since i last updated,, so stream ready to love ig

Have an amazing day c:


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