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jeonghan pov:

As the doors swung open I saw a long, crowded school floor with blue colored lockers. The lights are shining brightly right into my eyes. Everyone is talking with one another which causes a loud noise. How I hate it here.

Luckily I didn't transferred alone to this school. Two of my closest friends Wonwoo and Jihoon who are in the same gang as I, now they were going to this school as well.

As we walked down the corridor the nearest people are stopping talking and turning around to have a better view at the three new students.
But what we didn't expected was that they were knowing who we are and what we were doing in our free time. Normally no one knows it until we would spill the beans so they wouldn't border us anymore.

Unfortunately this would make the job even harder because which billionaire would let walk their son alone in a school with dangerous people.
I hear wonwoo sighing next to me and jihoon and I are turning around to see what's going on. Wonwoo is a tall emo boy who has actually a very soft heart. His brown smooth hair is covering his deep brown eyes. But he's not looking at us at all, his gaze is shifted to a boy group near the end of the corridor next to our lookers.

I freeze in shook. I know I would meet him here, of course because we were here for him but not within the first minutes in the new school. Also I've seen pictures of him but to see someone in real live is always something else. He's known for his beauty and I can't deny it. He has fluffy black hair which is slightly too long, he is taller than I thought he would, although he's skinny you can clearly see his muscles under his black shirt.His face is covered with a also black mask. I've been never really impressed by someone but this guy makes me rethink my decision to never play with my victims. So why can't I have at least some fun while doing my job. Nice to meet you Choi Seungcheol.

Jihoon mumbles something next to me. I didn't understand him exactly but it was something like "this won't be easy". Confused by what he means I turn my gaze to the other guys next to Seungcheol and Jihoon was right. Next to the black haired boy is standing a giant. I knew Choi would have a bodyguard but I didn't expected him to be a student as well. You can't really identify him as it but the wide shoulders, the bruises on his left wrist and the attentive look of his are telling otherwise.

I'm shaking my head, turning away from the ground and heading towards our lookers with my friends behind me. Sadly I'm a year older than both of them so I'm in another grade and only able to meet them after classes. My first lesson starts in a few minutes. "Goodbye, see you  at lunch" after I said this I start walking to my new classroom. As I'm about to enter the room I get a little pushed aside by a very loud kid. "I'm sorry dude" the kid apologizes. "It's fine", actually I am really annoyed right now. This person gets on my nerves.

I let my look wander around the classroom to finde a free seat. There is only one left right next to a person completely dressed in black, with black hair. I know him. It's my victim. Choi Seungcheol. This will be very interesting

Thank you for reading.
This is the first actual chapter. I hope you liked it <3

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