Black Sheep

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Black Sheep

The black endless nothingness that takes over our world
The thing we see when we sleep
The blackness that can't be held with a word
The blackness that takes over little Black Sheep

The black endless nothingness that takes over the sky
The thing we see when we're deep
The deepest we've been into a cry
The blackness that takes over little Black Sheep

The black endless nothingness that takes the form a traitor
The thing we see with deep regret
The thing that makes us hate her
The blackness that takes over her little sheep set

The black endless nothingness that swallows you whole
The thing we see when you start digging
A deep deep deep hole
The blackness that takes over the quietness of singing

The black endless nothingness that that hits you like a cry
The thing we see when you start singing
Singing your own lullaby
The blackness that bury's you in midnight

The black endless nothingness that takes over her heart
The thing she see's when she reveals herself
And the thing that tears you apart
The blackness that she sets off when she she blows up your shelf

The black endless nothingness
That takes over the land
Where your fine country
Where in would once stand

The black endless nothingness
That took you in too deep
All for you to be betrayed
By little Black Sheep

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