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Warning: includes comparing and changing yourself


We all know me
The little girl who's not pretty
I see them
The popular girls
Wanting to be a part of their group so badly
I ask them and they say I'm not good enough

I go home
It's the same thing everyday
I don't eat anything but water
I starve my self
Then I work out
I look in the mirror and I'm not good enough

I see them again
And wish to myself so badly
That I want to be one of them

I want to have their body
I want to have their features
I want to be as pretty

I just want to be enough
Enough for them
Enough for myself

I think this is me when it's not
I know that it's not me but I think it is
This endless loop
Telling me it's right
When deep down
I know it's wrong

Because while I'm here
Moping that I'm not one of them
There's someone moping that their not one of me

They want to be as good as me
And I want to be as good as them
They compare themselves to me
I compare myself to them

This endless loop
Of looking up at someone
Who you believe is better than you
But where does that get you

Where do you go
What do you do
How do you cope
What is in your mind

All you think is
I'm never going to be as good as her
I don't understand why she wants to be me
I don't understand how this world works
And I don't think this world needs me

You cry so desperately about not being skinny or popular

She cry's so desperately about not being outstanding and showing

They cry so desperately for being the thing that people she as beauty

They know they are guilty of girls changing
They know they are guilty of girls never thinking they are enough
But they can't do something about it

They can't do anything about it
Unless they change

You can't do anything about it
Unless you change

She can't do anything about it
Unless she changes

That's all you have to do


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