Chapter 7: meeting eri

Comincia dall'inizio

Rin vs bakugou
Rin wins

Aziawa and midnight ran towards bakugou, to see he isn't burned to a crisp, more or so he's just very red,
"How did rin do that?" Urarak asked,
"Last night when I asked rin a little more about his quirk, he says he could control the temperature of it" Izuku replied,

After rin and bakugou became conscious,

The next battle began,

Rin Vs deku

Rin picked up his koma sword, (for the sake of my fingers I'll be typing "Deku" instead of "Izuku") deku stood there getting into position,
"Go!" Aziawa yelled, deku jumped up in the air and ran in a zig zag formation, rin came running at deku with him koma sword ready to slash someone, "10% smash!" Deku yelled out punching rin, rin was pushed back spitting out blood, rin stood up and started flying (I think rin can do that...maybe? If I remember correctly he can) deku look up in awe then rin came flying staright down towards deku, deku jumped up and got in position to punch rin, rin slashed his sword in the air, a wave of flame came down flying towards deku, deku put out his hand and instead of punch this black wavy whip kind of thing came out and became a shield for deku, rin looked back at deku in awe, deku then fell back to the ground and so did rin, rin once more ran towards deku with his sword ready to slash him "20% smash!" Deku called out, as soon as deku got into position to punch, rin jumped up ready to slash him from the above then, deku ended up punching rins tail, rin fell to the ground unconscious from the pain,

Rin vs deku
Deku wins

After a few minutes rin still hadn't woke up,

"Do you think he's ok?" Todoroki asked,

"Yes, but it seems like rins major week spot is his tail" aziawa answered,

Deku wrote this new information down in his notebook,

Rin then woke up after another minute,

"Rin are you ok?" Eri asked running up to him,

"Yeah I should be fine..." rin replied,

"Also I noticed you have horns like me!" Eri said pointing to her horn,

"Your right!" Rin said looking at eri's horn,

"If your awake, shoto is ready to battle you!" Midnight said looking at rin,

"Welp gotta go!" Rin said patting eri's head and walking away,

Rin vs todoroki

Rin once again took out his koma sword, todoroki was stood there as if he was trying to slove a math equation, (ok I don't know how to put this in here as if it's normal to explain so I'll just say it blatantly, todoroki is scared of rin burning him because of his ✨trauma✨ so I'm going try to make this fight just like when tanjiro killed the mother spider, like he used a form that was nice and not so brutal that's all)
"Go!" Aziawa called out, rin stood still for a second waiting for todoroki to make a move, todorki let out a wall of ice, rin backed up tripping, then rin started flying once again and flew on top of the wall and sat there, todroki look up, rin put his koma sword inside its casing and the fire around him faded, rin put his hand in this position:

Rin once again took out his koma sword, todoroki was stood there as if he was trying to slove a math equation, (ok I don't know how to put this in here as if it's normal to explain so I'll just say it blatantly, todoroki is scared of rin burning h...

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

(I'm sorry it had to be a photo of Dabi but also I couldn't find the photo I was looking for so this is the closet thing I could find to it)

A wave of fire came out of rins hand right towards todoroki, todoroki put up his right hand(i think that's the ice side of dunno) then a wave of ice came, the ice and fire fought together for about a minute before todoroki made a wall of ice and ran, rin hadn't notice, todoroki made ice steps to walk on to get behind rin, todoroki got his fire ready to burn rins tail, rin was still shooting fire until todorokis ice wall melted, rin looked behind him to see todoroki, rin then tried to push todoroki off the ice block they were on, todoroki tried to push rin off, rin got todoroki to be laying on the edge todoroki struggled trying to get out, rin was about to push todoroki, until todoroki pushed himself off, rin immediately put out his hands to have fire burn todoroki so he'd become unconscious, todoroki expected to be burned but the fire around him was cold, kind of warm but it wasn't hot, todoroki saw a glimpse of rins face to see him smiling, a smile of mercy, todoroki finally become unconscious,

Rin vs todoroki
Rin wins

Todoroki finally woke up to see Izuku infront of his face,

"Did you forget that the fire side is also yours?" Izuku said looking at todoroki,

"No, I was more or so scared to" todoroki said,

"Why- OH, sorry I forgot" Izuku said,

"I really thought rins fire would burn me, but it was actually kind of cold a bit warm but it wasn't burning hot" todoroki said with a warm smile.


Next chapter should come out in a week maybe hopefully maybe 3-6 days but thank you for reading

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