Satori's Crush (Tendo x Reader)

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This uses she/her pronouns!

April 24th

I saw y/n today again. I finally got the courage to talk to her. Their eyes are even prettier up close. I think I will take her to the cafe by the school.

May 1st

Y/n came to the cafe with us, her laugh is angelic. I can't wait to hear more.

May 15th

I brought y/n to one of our volleyball practices. It was amazing to see her get excited when we would score. She doesn't know much about volleyball but I think that makes her cuter.

May 20th

I got her some of her favorite candy.Y/n mentioned that she liked it so I thought I would surprise her.

June 3rd

 Y/n told me she liked someone but wouldn't tell me who. God I hope it's me.

June 10th

Y/n said who she liked, and it's my best friend

June 20th

I hope that she's happy with Ushijima.

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