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"Has it been ten years already?" Reion asked himself, taking a beer to the mouth as he looked at the screen. A news, quite the wild one too when the once famous K/DA is reported to have been fired by their studio.

Know them is a light word considering their relations in the past. But not like it matters anymore to the man as he simply emptied the can before setting it aside.

"Not like they remember me anyway," He let out with a yawn as he turned the TV off and stood up to stretch.

Reion is a man that had this snow colored hair with a body fit for a soldier. His skin, though it used to be white, was now tanned tracing his shirt. He had a rare genetic disorder when even his eyelashes held quite the light color.

Reion didn't really feel lucky to have it since it did make him feel a little spaced out by everyone. But not everyone of that matter.

He used to have friends back then. Friends who would often hang around in their backyard as they either play like kids or play some tunes. Even now he can still hear it, Ahri singing with Evelynn letting their voices collide and mend into this fascinating sound. Akali rapping amidst their pauses with a verse she makes on the spot and Kai'sa singing like a gentle ballerina as he played his father's guitar. They were 8 back then, and back then they were still connected by a bond so strong...yet fragile.

Good times don't last that long. The ladies had seen how they had talent, Reion was aware of it too and at the age of 14 was where it all spiraled down. It was a pill that was hard to swallow, but Reion took it well among with the conversation that wasn't so easy to forget.

"You know if you would rather support us rather than educate us then you would be really helpful!!" Ahri growled, a voice that used to be so gentle now held a violent anger.

"Look it's not like I don't support you, it's just too early to tackle everything when your this young," Reion replied.

"You know what we're leaving," Evelyn replied. Reion can still remember those gazes even now, those sharpened eyes formed into a glare, both in disbelief and anger.

He then returned back to reality when he washed his face with cold water, after he washed himself he went to his closet and pulled out a gray jacket while it dropped a picture. Reion wore the jacket and picked the picture, he saw his parent's face that was smiling along with the young K/DA's and him. He focused on his parent's faces and memories started returning to him, a mother who showed him support when he was down, his dad who used to joke with him as they played on his computer.

"Ah good times," he said to himself as he put the picture back in the closet.

"It's been ten years too long since they all left me huh," Reion continued as he left his apartment to be met with a usual quiet street.

He began to pull out a cigar and lit it while wearing a black sunglass as he went down to his motorcycle, he sat down for a while and finished his cigar in no time as he put on his helmet and turned south where the beach was. He then arrived and felt the breeze coming to him as he sped up, he stopped near a restaurant and ordered his usual dish, Crab legs with tartar sauce.

He smiled to himself and sat near the window where he can see the beautiful scenery, within five minutes his order arrived and he began to enjoy the scene while eating, he noticed that people were staring at him and he saw that he didn't put his hood on so he did that.

He then left the restaurant and started to go to his motorcycle, he rode again and stopped at a shabby building where he works. His work doesn't really pay much, they gave them a lot of work but the pay would barely pay the food he ate at the beach but he knows how to compromise a lot, he learned how to do less job but the pay is the same so he kept doing that.

After the day he rides back to his home which is a normal two-story building that has a garage, the house is made of tiles on the first floor while wood on the second floor.

All in all his parent's house is average without any problems, he began to open the house to look for any trouble but found nothing so he goes back to his motor to drive into his apartment which is all made of concrete, he bought everything in there including the bed frame and the toilet. He pulls off his clothes and goes straight to the shower.

That's how his days usually is but the real thing is that his actually famous in the underworld for being one of the toughest brawler, he managed to take down Sett the boss of the underworld one time earning his place there but he didn't like the position offered and just stick to his usual working place. The money he gets from pit fights was to go into his bank in case he needed it to repair any damages from his parent's house.

After his shower, he goes to his sleeping clothes and while changing, a scar could be noticed on his back that seems to be made from long ago, he then stares at the mirror that reflected his dark red eyes that seems like it belongs to a dead person. He keeps shrugging it off and goes to sleep.

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