Chapter 1: The Move

Start from the beginning

The family also noticed that a few meters from their house, there was a medium sized lake connected to the other side of the forest. From afar, Sabrina who was standing near the lake noticed the sight of a large manor across the lake, it was still a bit far from them, but it was visible nonetheless.

Turns out we are not the only family crazy enough to reside in this area. She chuckled to herself. As she was enjoying the scenery, she heard her sister calling her, asking her help to bring the stuff inside the house. They did not really carry much with them since the salesperson stated that the house was fully furnished since the previous owner left without bringing anything so they thought of using the existing furniture and just carried the necessary items.

She walked to the car and grabbed two suitcases and carried them inside. As expected, the inside was not as terrible as they had thought it would be. The main walking room had a large space and there were two leather sofa, still intact right in the middle of the room with a brown coffee table in the middle.

The lamps used throughout the house were crystal chandelier type which they thought was quite fancy. There was no TV or anything but it did not matter since each of them had their own laptop and could just use it to watch anything. They would have the Wi-Fi installed in a few days and in the meantime they could just unpack and rewind after the long day on the road.

"Can you believe this? We actually don't have to share a room anymore, maybe moving here was not such a bad thing, after all." Layla who was two years younger than Sabrina was completely in awe as they arrived on the second floor, where their rooms would be at. The house had three bedrooms and three bathrooms in total so even though they still had to share the same bathroom, they finally had their own rooms, something they could never afford when they were still living in the city.

"I'm taking this one." Layla had chosen her room which left Sabrina with the room right across her. Of course, her sister was not as generous to leave her with the bigger room. She took it for herself and left Sabrina with the smaller room. However, she did not care as much since they had similar furnishing anyway. The room was not grand like those rooms in fairy tales, but it was comfortable enough and way more clean than their old rooms, which were filled with useless craps they collected over the years.

As Sabrina dragged her suitcase inside the room, she noticed her room had a balcony facing the lake. She walked over and opened the sliding door to feel the wind gently swiped over her face. She could see a broader view of the lake and the forest from where she was standing.

Everything was much darker in shade when she looked at them from above. When she looked closer she could also spot a few forest animals around there, from birds to deer.

A small smile formed on her lips as she watched those animals running around, until she realized that they were not playing around, but instead, they were being chased by something. She narrowed her eyes to look more carefully and spotted something furry chasing the deer.

Wait, isn't that, a wolf? She had only seen the animals from movies and a few documentaries but she could not believe she was seeing the real thing at the moment, although she was watching from a distance, she could already tell these wolves must be residing in the forest surrounding them.

Guess we need to be more careful. Hopefully, they'll never come near us.

Then on the corner of her eyes, she saw the manor from before. The place was still small from where she was at due to the distance, but she could see it clearer. The place turned out to be much larger than what she had previously seen, it evoked her curiosity. From the back of her mind, she wondered what kind of people would reside inside the manor.

Judging from its appearance, the place held lives within it. She did not know whether or not she would be able to meet with the owners, but somehow, she had this feeling within her, like an intuition. Something about the manor attracted her. She could feel her own heart beating rapidly inside her chest for absolutely no reason.

As she stared into the manor, Sabrina had a feeling, that soon something would happen in her life. She did not know what the future would bring, but she would definitely find out about it soon.

From the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of her mother's framed picture and walked over to grab it from the box. Gently, she put it on the shelf and stared at it for a few seconds. Her mother was drop-dead gorgeous.

In another scenario, she could have been a model. She had this striking appearance which would capture the attention of everyone around her. The woman was always full of mystery, no one really knew where she came from. She never seemed to mention her past or why she ended up marrying their father when she was definitely out of his league.

Everyone always told her she resembled her mother in beauty and grace. She could not see it at first, but as she looked at herself in the mirror and compared it with the picture, she indeed resembled her mother.

"Mother, I don't know what I'm supposed to do here, but I am sure you are watching over us right?" She smiled and kissed her mother's forehead before heading to bed.

Sabrina did not know it was not just her mother who was watching her from above and soon her own fate would unfold.

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