[13]: One-sided

303 8 13

Warning: Feels incoming and suicidal triggers.



You were watching the countries fight whilst keeping watch on the distance you and England had. 40 feet... Good. You sighed in relief and laughed when you saw France getting kicked out of the room for sexually harassing Liechenstein.

"What's so funny, love?"

You jumped and mentally shrieked. OH SNAP, IT'S ENGLAND. You turned around slowly to face the said Brit. You were practically sweating buckets.

"O-oh, h-hey, E-England...! D-didn't see y-you there!" You stammered, laughing nervously.

He raised an eyebrow at your odd behaviour but shrugged it off. He smiled. "I was wondering if you had some tape with you," he spoke.

You blushed in embarrassment and mentally facepalmed. He just needed tape, idiot! You smiled crookedly and nodded, looking in your bag.

You found it and gave it feebly to him.

"Ah, thanks, (Y/n)!" He beamed, walking back to his seat..... which is 40 feet away from yours.

You did a sigh of relief when you saw him leave you. "Y'know he'll never notice you harder if you don't speak out your feelings, right?" Romano told you, raising an eyebrow as he sat down beside you.

"Hey, it's not my fault-"

"That you're in love with him?" He finished, smirking. You blushed and puffed out your cheeks childishly. "Shut up..." You muttered.

Romano's face soften at you and patted your head gently. "Just... Try it today later. See what happens," he chirped.

You chuckled and commented, "Well, you're very chipper today."

"I know, right! I don't know why, ragazza...."

"Maybe because Antonio noticed you?" You smirked, laughing when you saw him blush.

"S-shut up, idiota ragazza!" He exclaimed.

You raised your hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay! I won't judge that you're gay."



You inhaled and exhaled, as you tried to search for England. You were finally gonna take in Romano's lame advice. You would finally confess to him.

You found him chatting with America and France and gulped, walking over. They noticed you and smiled warmly. America waved. "Hey, (Y/n)!" He greeted happily.

"Bon jour, madmoiselle (Y/n)," France gave you a closed-eye smile.

England smiled and said, "Ello, love. Why don't you come sit with us?"

You obliged, taking a seat across from England and beside France. You fiddled with your sweaty fingers and tried to stay calm. France noticed your jittery attitude and decided to ask you.

"Ma cherie, what ever is the matter?" He asked, worry etching upon his face.

England and America caught on, looking at you in concern. "Love, is something wrong? You can tell us," The blonde Brit piped up. America nodded. "Yeah, dude! You can trust us."

You had to calm down your breathing and took a deep breath, standing up suddenly.

"Can I....talk to you for a moment? A-alone?" You asked.

England's eyes widen and he looked around then he looked back at you. He nodded and stood up, following you outside the room. "What's the matter?"

You looked at him straight in the eye and willed yourself to gain the courage to tell him.

"I.... You may have been wondering why I'm acting weird these days around you, yes?" You began. He nodded. "Well.... Th-that's because..... I..... You know what? Screw it. I like you, England. More than as a friend. And yeah, that's weird, I know."

England's face became emotionless and you panicked in your mind. What's wrong with him? Why isn't he answering me? Does he like me? Or does he hate me now? Your mind kept on spouting out ridiculous questions.

"Y'know, love... I've noticed that, as well. And probably figured it out that you did have feelings for me," He said softly. "And... I love you," You felt your heart jump. "-But, not in that way." Your heart burst into pieces and you felt horrible.

"W-wh...." You choked out.

England sighed and looked away. "Look, I like you as a sister. I... can't return your feelings. I'm sorry," he whispered sadly.

You clenched your fists and looked up, forcing a smile on your face. "Nah, it's okay! I totally understand!" You tried to be happy but.... You just couldn't. It's impossible.

England started to look concerned for you because tears were rolling down your cheeks without warning. "Love...? Are you okay?" He reached out for you but you turned away.

You did a fake laugh, though the tears that were falling were not convincing. "Of course I am!! Anyways... I better get going." You mumbled, walking out of the place. You felt emotionless, empty. You never felt anything so sad and heart-breaking as this.

You were angry. You were sad. You felt betrayed. You were embarrassed. You were ashamed. All of these emotions sickened you. You just want to get away from it all.

You arrived at your house and didn't bother to close your door. You just... Don't feel the same way anymore. You trudged up the stairs and into the bathroom. If you wanted to get rid of these emotions and feelings.... Then do it.

You picked up the razor and held it up to your throat, shutting your eyes close and.......


No more emotions.

No more feelings.

No more sadness.

No more happiness.

No more life.

No more (Y/n).

England arrived at your house and searched frantically for you. He came to the bathroom and gasped, his eyes widening with horror at your corpse on the sink. Your blood was staining the whole bathroom, the walls, the floor... Everything.

Tears welled up in his eyes and he sobbed, collapsing on the floor. How could he have done this to (Y/n)?! He should've accepted her....! He loved her so much, as well.... But a woman had wooed him over to her and left him naked. (Y/n).... She never did that to him. She wanted him to be happy and..... He did this to her.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He cried out in sorrow.

No more England.

No more (Y/n).

No more......... THIS.


LOL. I think I made it a little bit creepy...? Not sure. But.... It felt feelsy, I guess.....? XD MY GODS WHY CAN'T MAKE UP MY MIND.

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