2|Fashion Show

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*Isabella's POV*

1 week later

"Okay class, I hope you have already sorted out your schedules with your partner because I have posted a project for you to do that is due tomorrow." Mrs. O'Brian, my English teacher announced.

The door swung open.

Not being able to see who was at the door I watched as Mrs. O'Brian's eyebrows grew closer together.

"Miles, this is only the second week of school and you have already managed to come to my class late. One more time and I will be forced to give you detention."

Wasn't Miles the one who was obsessed in everyone being early but yet he was always showed up late?

Miles ignored her as he took his seat and Mrs. O'Brian continued with the lesson.

The bell rang after a few moments of silence.

"Don't be late." Miles said as he rushed out after seeing one of his buddies waiting at the door.

I took notes in the rest of my classes and before I knew it school was over.


As I walked in my house I could immediately sense no one was home. It was quiet.

I was used to it since my mom is a lawyer and my dad is a surgeon. Although my parents are not around much we still manage to keep a strong bond.

Hearing a grumble from my stomach, I immediately take off my shoes, drop my bag and headed to the kitchen. On the refrigerator was a note.

'Dad got called in for an emergency surgery and I have to revise a case. Don't know when we'll be home. Food is in the fridge. Love Mom.'

I let out a quiet sigh then I opened the fridge door. I spotted my favorite fast food restaurant's logo on a bag and without realizing, I had the biggest smile on my face.

I took out the bag and put the container with the food into the microwave.

While I was waiting for it to finish, I heard the door bell.

I groaned then went to open the door.

When I opened the door, it was Tessa smiling from ear to ear in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised because she usually has cheer on Mondays.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" she asked while letting herself in and headed to the living room.

"Yes, but I just wasn't expecting you." I said as I closed the door and followed her to the living.

She picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

"I know but cheer ended early and Troy's at football practice. Lucky for you I have nothing else to do." she said with a smile.

I stayed quiet and went to get my food from the microwave.

"Is that from Joe's Diner?" she asked as she picked up a hand full of fries and shoved them into her mouth.

"Hands off." I said before giving her a playful slap on the wrist.

I know we were bestfriends but sometimes Tessa would forget boundaries. Food is off limits.

"Sorry Issy. What do you want to watch?" she asked.

"I'm not in the mood to watch anything." I said before taking a bite into my cheeseburger.

She placed her index and thumb finger on her chin then made a humming noise.

I looked at her questionably but remained quiet.

"Let's do a fashion show!" she blurted out.

"I can't."

"Why not? You're no fun anymore Issy." she said as she got up and started walking around.

"I have to be at Miles' place by 5."

"We'll be done before that. Come on Issy." she pleaded.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it was only 3:00.

"Fine." I said as I got up and carried my plate to the kitchen.

"Yay!" she exclaimed as she clapped her hands and ran upstairs to my room.


I sat on my bed and watched as Tessa went through my closet as if she was trying to pick out clothes from a clearance rack. She took a set of clothes and walked into my bathroom to change.

"So how is everything working out with Miles so far?" she asked as she broke the silence.

"Today is the first time we've gotten an assignment actually." I said as I reached over on my dressing table to pick up a book I had started reading last night.

"Is he friendly?"

"Not really. Why?"

"No reason."

"What do you think?" she asked as she stood with a hand on her hip and a bright smile on her face.

She had on a blue mini skirt and a pine green tank top with a plaid cap turned backwards.

"Well it's something. Seven out of ten." I said while trying to hold in my laugh.

"You're the worst." she threw the cap at me and we both erupted into laughter.

"Your turn." she said while she sat down next to me on my bed.

"Do I really have to do this?"


I groaned before walking over to my closet then heading into the bathroom.

I came out the bathroom and stood with my arms folded across my chest as I waited for her to acknowledge me.

I had on a black baggy jeans, an oversized grey t-shirt and a simple sunglasses.

She looked at me up and down.

"So what do you think?" I asked from being too anxious to wait.

"You get a five out of ten." she said.

"What?" I blurted out from being shocked at her answer. I would've expected a solid 8.

"You know where the good clothes are so it's not fair." she said as she walked to the closet to pick her next choice of clothing.

"Tessa, you've been coming to my house for a year now. I think you know where my good clothes are too." I said trying to hide how offended I was.

She shrugged then went into the bathroom to change again.

"So what are you and Miles going to do when you get over there?" she asked.

"A project.." I said as I got up to help her zip up her dress.

"Just a project?" she asked in a serious way.

"Yes. What is up with you Tessa? You're acting weird."

"It's nothing. How do I look?" she said trying to change the subject. I wanted to know what was wrong but I respected the fact that she didn't want to talk about it.

We switched turns for a few more rounds then got we got bored.

Tessa fell back next to me in a lying position and we stared at the ceiling until we both dosed off.

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