Chapter Seven: The Confrontation

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Several hours had passed by, and I was long since finished with my Grandmother's garden. I could tell from the sun that a little more than 7 hours had past, it was perhaps somewhere around the time of 2 o'clock, more or less.

My Grandmother was making the final adjustments to my dress and I waited patiently for her to finally announce that she had successfully been able to fix my little accident. While I had been waiting, I had been able to not only finish taming the garden, but also clean around the cabin as well. It had only two other rooms other than the living room, so it didn't take me more than an hour to finish cleaning.

I had been able to cook something to eat as well, the majority being for Grandmother of course. Suddenly at the sound of a long sigh, I tilted my head up as my attention was pulled out of the clouds and back to my Grandmother. "... Were you able to fix it?" I asked eagerly as she rubbed her eyes tiredly. "Yes Robin. I fixed it. Although I usually don't waste so much time doing something so energy-consuming, it be a waste to simply throw this dress away... Despite casual flaws, it doesn't actually seem unacceptable. What do you plan on doing with it?"

I too sighed as I rubbed my neck and looked away. "I had done some thinking about that... And, well... I think it'd be best to sell it." I felt like I was giving away my only child, but I couldn't let my Grandmother see how truly saddened I was. "I have no more money for this month... I had spent the little I had and ran out of pence before I knew it... My only option is to sell it to someone in the village or perhaps a merchant."

"You're going to sell it? Your only dress other than the one on your back?" She asked quizzically as she eyed me disapprovingly, and I nodded hesitantly. "I have no other choice. Those are the sacrifices of the poor."

The room remained silent for a while, and I looked back to my Grandmother only to see a slight smile spread across her face. "Well... There's no harm in trying it on one last time." She held it on for me, and I just shook my head vigorously. "Uh uh. I don't think so Grandmother."

"Well why not? You're going to sell it anyway right after you get back to the village, so you might as well try it on one last time. I didn't get a chance to see it." She once again insisted, and I rubbed my arm indesisively. "Well..." I sighed after I spent a silent moment considering why I shouldn't. After I couldn't find a good enough excuse, I just cracked a small smile as I looked back up at her. "Well, I guess once more wouldn't hurt. It's not like the price could get even lower."

I took the dress from her and walked into the kitchen to change. I opened the all the windows to let sunlight in, and I could see the entire forest all around the backyard next to the garden. I started to remove the outer layer of my dress and untied all the strings in the front, and slid it down my body as I shook my hips back and forth to get it completely off. It fell delicately to the ground and I bent over to pick it up and threw it on the kitchen table that was nearby.

I carefully yet quickly put in the dress that I made, making sure to smooth out every imperfection. My nimble fingers tied the strings that were in the back, and I tightened it to perfection as I took a final look at myself. Other than a feeling of feeling rather pretty, another feeling was poking at the back of my head. I couldn't place it as I just looked down at myself.

Suddenly I turned my head towards the open windows, and the view of the forest had me feeling as if I was being watched. My eyes scanned the seemingly endless trees, but they couldn't find anyone or anything. I felt a chill run through the upper half of my body as my body shook slightly.

Yes, that's what the unmistakable feeling was. It was the feeling of somehow being watched. But no matter how long or hard I looked, I couldn't see the slightest hint of anybody.

Red Riding Hood: The Ruby and The ShadowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora