Chapter Forty-Eight - Stranded

Start from the beginning

    "Titans! Go!" At Robin's words, the six of us all charge as one—the way we always do. On two floating discs, Cyborg and Beast Boy prepare themselves to attack and jump off Raven's creation to strike. The discs turn themselves into large daggers and I throw small flames on them as she fires. The daggers dig into the creature's skin but it seems unaffected, the flames extinguishing themselves. 

    Cyborg throws Beast Boy by his kangaroo tail, swinging him into the creature. The changeling transforms into a triceratops mid-air before slamming down onto our enemy. Once on the ground, the shapeshifter changes again, this time into a dinosaur I'm not familiar with. His tail acts as a mace as he swings it, but the creature catches it before it can do any damage.

    From beside me, Cyborg shoots his sonic cannon, and the creature releases Beast Boy with enough momentum to take out the both of us. My world goes black and I rub my eyes, reappearing on the other side of the room just as it clicks what happened.


    "No problem," Raven replies, zooming off to help the others.

    Robin and Starfire both walk up to where I stand. "We've gotta stop it before it screams again!" Robin states.

    Starfire wastes no time in charging, a starbolt already prepared. She throws it with deadly accuracy, and it explodes in the creature's mouth, providing momentary light in the room. I prepare bullets of water and continuously fire them as Starfire continues her array of starbolts.

    Robin somehow finds a rope, tying it like a lasso before throwing it onto our opponent. It wraps around perfectly, catching on one of its limbs, but our attacks seem to have no effect as the creature takes to the air, Robin being forced to let go of the metal rope.

    "Ember, Starfire, watch out!" Robin's warning registers too late, but fortunately Starfire has already grasped my hand in hers and pulled me out of the way. She lets go and I fall for a second before steadying myself, watching as she blasts the creature with her eyebeams, which seem to have no effect.

    Robin jumps from a position I can't place onto the monster's head, bouncing off it before turning in the same motion as Starfire and throwing explosive discs. His attack has the same impact as the alien girl before him, and when the smoke subsides the creature resumes its charge towards the three of us.

    Instantly, I turn on my heels and run, and I know from the sound of feet hitting metal that Robin and Starfire are doing the same. As we near the edge, an idea begins to formulate in my head and I don't jump off when the other two do. Instead, I turn around and face my enemy.

    Its charge does not relent, but that's what I'm counting on. I hold my hand out and a small tidal wave chases after my pursuer. Since it can't see the imminent danger quickly catching up to it, it continues to run at me with all it has, snarling.

    I watch as the monster's legs are suddenly swept from underneath and it soars over my head. When I hold out my other hand, it stops midair and I cock my head to the side as I take it in before letting it fall.

    "Good job!" Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven run over, the former ruffling his hand through my hair.



    Robin lands on the other side of the balcony and runs over to me. "Great work, Ember."

    "Thanks. You too." Robin holds his hand up for a high five and I slap his hand, pulling away as I realise first-hand how strong he is. "Ow!"

    "Let's go," Cyborg says from the other side of the room, catching my attention, "unless you want to stay here flirting with your girlfriend."

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