If I killed someone for you (songfic)

Start from the beginning

In class: "Did you hear the murder mystery podcast?"
I show up at her doorstep

It felt like the world was watching him
To look her in the eyes

Awaiting for him to admit to his crimes
I tell her that it's me

Yell out the truth about the sweet kid, everybody knew
But she doesn't recognize

But it went just as always – no one even looked at him twice

Can't you see I'm running?

No one saw him stiffening at the memory
Said I need a place to hide

Or looking at his nails, making sure there is no blood left
I've gotta ask you something

The more he thought about it the more alarmed he became
Could you please let me inside?

He never remembered once the heroes telling him not to kill
Just let me explain

Even when he asked
No, I wouldn't tell you lies

The answer always was: 'The ends justify the means '
I know you'll understand

And he didn't understand
If you let me stay the night

If they were trying to defend their past selves or actually preparing their disciple for the future

Would you love me more (Would you love me more)

The burden of a secret became too much for Peter
If I killed someone for you?

During the beginning of the daily practice they had, the boy told the team
Would you hold my hand? (Would you hold my hand?)

He was expecting at least somebody
They're the same ones that I used

To look at him with disapproval
When I killed someone for you

But nobody did

Would you turn me in (Would you turn me in)

Some just resumed training
When they say I'm on the loose?

Some assured him that it's alright
Would you hide me when (Would you hide me when)

That the feeling of it being something wrong will fade
My face is on the news?

As soon as he realizes that the ones they kill are criminals, who don't deserve to live
'Cause I killed someone for you

And it all made him so sick, that the world's protectors, didn't value human life if the human was wrong.

You have to understand that

That's when Peter came to a realization of what the training had cost
The one I killed is me

The life he used to have before
Changing what I was

The friends that he hadn't texted nor talked to for months
For what you wanted me to be

How he no longer decided what bad guys to go after, what to do with his time
I followed your direction

The bad guys were assigned by Steve, Tony decided everything surrounding school.
Did everything you asked

The boy had blindly followed
I hope that makes you happy

Hoping to impress them, to be equal
'Cause there's just no turning back

For two years he hadn't made a decision

Would you love me more (Would you love me more)

He hadn't joined any clubs
If I killed someone for you?

Hadn't made any friends
Would you hold my hand? (Would you hold my hand?)

God, even his meals were picked out for him for maximal use of his metabolism
They're the same ones that I used

And now they had turned his wish of helping little people
When I killed someone for you

Into a fighting machine for themselves

Would you turn me in (Would you turn me in)

But something in him had found the last two years amazing
When they say I'm on the loose?

Working for the same purpose
Would you hide me when (Would you hide me when)

Training for the same purpose, with people who supported him
My face is on the news?

So it's only logical if he needed to give something in return
'Cause I killed someone for you, yeah

If it was a few lives, then so be it.

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