"I know alot of things about you Tom." I smiled. 

Confusion laced his features, "What do you mean?" 

"I've known a lot of versions of you, and they're all identical." 

"Same soul, different lives." I said twiddling with my fingers as he stayed silent. 

"At first when I found out you were looking for ways to be immortal, I was excited, happy to know there might be a slight chance you could finally stay with me forever." I looked down at the dead leaves on the ground. 

"Then I started watching you, all the bad things you did, you are the definition of evil Tom." I could feel my eyes burning. 

"Being immortal isn't all fun and power, it means even when the world finally crumbles I will still be here, maybe floating in space," I scoffed out a laugh.

"I love you too much to let you through that." I looked up at him.

I heard him intake a sharp breath, it was obvious he didn't hear those words much, maybe even never. 

"How many lives have I had?" He asks me, his face laced with all kinds of emotions. 

"This one is your seventh one." I gulp out, "I've watched you die six multiple times, all the same way." 

He raises a eyebrow, 

"Murder." I whisper out. 

His eyebrows crease and he clenches his jaw. 

"I'd sit next to your body sobbing, and just wish that I'd also die." I smile sadly at the memories. 

I rest my back on the tree behind me and slide down to sit on the leafy dirt, I picked at the patches of grass with my fingers. 

"That's why I felt such a strong attraction to you when I first saw you." He whispers mostly to himself so I stay silent to let him pull his thoughts together. 

"And that's why I smelled you in potions class when we learning about -" He then realizes I'm still there, his eyes track from my face down to where my wound used to be. 

It was all healed now, flawless skin lay in its skin, my clothes were bloodstained and ripped in the place with the knife stabbed me. 

I sighed, I got up and started to make my way back to the castle, dead leaves crunched underneath me. 

An arm caught my arm and twisted me to face him, my eyes shut as his lips crashed into mine. 

It was as if electricity was pulsing through my bloodstreams, energy coursed through me like never before. 

Every pore on me hummed in bliss, his hands caressed my face and the other in the back of hair. 

I had my arms around his neck, all I felt was his lips against mine, and I could cry from joy, I waited for years and years not knowing if he was going to come back, maybe his soul had enough. 

Not knowing if he was going to be in another country, another school, maybe he'd fall for another girl and I'd be tortured alive by watching them. 

But I was here with him, his lips on mine, his hands in my hair and mine around his neck. 

Our bodies fit perfectly together, I felt his chest on mine and I could feel his heartbeat pump loud and strong and I could feel a smile form on my face. 

He was here and,

he was alive.

We pulled back for air,

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now