•Chapter One•

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Two young boys worked for a sinister man. They were promised to be taken care of properly and yet had gotten nothing of the sort, but the job kept a roof over their heads, and right now that's all they needed.

Or so they thought.

Running errands, getting little to no sleep or food, and fixing fried wires, old pipes, and repairing machinery that neither of the boys had experience doing; it kept piling and it was terrifying.

Thankfully the oldest of the two, a brunette standing around 5'8, had a friend who would teach him how to change oil, repair wires and give him guidance on which tools to use for what.

The youngest of the hard working duo, was an outgoing tall blond. He would constantly get into trouble from the man they worked for, resulting with either glass vases and bottles being thrown and him having to clean it up after, or at times even physical contact.


"Tubbo it's not that difficult, I'll do it again so you can see, alright?"

In a musty garage stood two boys. One wearing a green button up, dirty blue jeans and some worn down converse, the other who wore a black and white hoodie paired with some black jeans and had dark freckles sprinkled across his face along with some simple eyeliner.

"Well yes it is difficult, Ranboo." The small brunette wined. "Last time I tried to put the jack under the car a pipe of sorts broke off and Schlatt got upset.."

Letting out a soft chuckle, Ranboo just shook his head, "Tubbo this is a truck, not a car, there is a big difference." He corrected the younger while walking over to the right side of the truck with the car jack in hand.

(Guys I haven't used a car jack in a long while please spare me if I wrote anything wrong here)

"See look, we're working on the front tire here, so a little beside it here there is a spot that won't damage anything when you use the jack." The tallest explained as he pumped the lever to the car jack.

"Okay, so now that the tire is off the ground, we're gonna use our lug wrench an-"

"Oi Tubbo!" A tall blond called while he strolled into the garage interrupting Ranboo.

"Tommy what do you want?" Tubbo asked, pretending to be annoyed. However it was quite obvious he wasn't. "Ranboo is trying to help me change a tire, can't it wait?"

"Oh of course rAnbOo is here." He scoffed. "Y'know I could have helped you too, you just take that wrench thingy and put it on that bolt thing-"

"Tommy it's a lug nut.." Ryan quietly corrected.

"I didn't ask smartass." The blond remarked. "Anyway dickhead wants us to go and get some shit from the market, so you have to come because he says I'm not responsible enough."

"Well to be fair he isn't exactly wrong about you being irresponsible" Tubbo chimed in, earning a chuckle from Ranboo.

"Aw fuck off man, are you coming or- why are you laughing?"

"I'm not, I'm not.." The brunette giggled then turning to the tallest of the trio. "Yea I'll be right there, are you gonna join us boss man?"

"Eh sure, I'll drive though" Ranboo stated grabbing his car keys and stuffing them into his pocket.

"noooo you always drive when you go with us, I wanna. I can drive!" The man child whined.

"First of all you don't even have a license." Ranboo laughed while cleaning up the small mess in the garage. "Secondly, the last time I let you drive you crashed into a ditch. So give me one good reason why I should even think about letting you drive unless there was an emergency."

"Well.. well a chicken was crossing the road, I didn't want to hit it..? And you should let me drive, because uhm, because queen Lizzy needs a big man like me to uhm.. to have those big responsibilities." The blond concluded.

The shortest of the trio covered his face with his hands in attempt to not laugh and glanced at Ranboo to see what he had to say.

"Uhm, hm let me think... so despite all of that, you still dont have a license, and still carelessly crashed. So.." The boy said as he threw a dirty rag into the trash bin "how 'bout.. no." He smiled and took off to his car, which he named Shannon.

"OI GET BACK HERE YOU TALL PRICK" Tommy yelled while running after the American with his friend right behind him.

Ranboo quickly slid into his car and locked the doors, smirking at Tommy and Tubbo who were just seconds late.

The two boys outside wordlessly decided to check each door just incase one had been left unlocked; which to they're dismay, everything was locked.

Sighing Tubbo got up and walked to the drivers side. "Ryan I swear to prime if you dont unlock the bloody doors right now I will burn down this car with you in it." Of course he was joking (hopefully) but none of them would put it past him to actually do it.

"Okay okay, calm down" Ranboo nervously laughed and unlocked the doors.

Tubbo quickly ran to the passenger side while Tommy was crouched down playing with a moth, "I CALL SHOTGUN!" he yelled and shut the door

Tommy quickly got up and opened the back door. "Oi bitch! That's not fair." He pouted

"Actually it is kind of fair since your the youngest." Tubbo stated

"Well at least I'm not short." Tommy smirked while Ranboo shook his head and started the station wagon.

The trio sat quietly with nothing but the motor whirring in the background until they turned out of the driveway. (Its a decently long driveway as they're in a country sort of area) "do you think that we'll be able to get some sweets while we're there?" Tommy asked tilting his head slightly.

There was a silence for a moment while Ranboo checked both ways before proceeding to turn onto the main road, "Tommy, I bought you some stuff last time I drove you two. If you want something you can get it yourself."

"But I'm broke" the blond whined dragging out the 'o'.

"Welp, not my problem"

The rest of the ride was filled nothing but ranboo quietly humming along to a random song playing on the crackly radio and the tires occasionally splashing through a puddle or two.

After about five minutes the tallest turned off the radio while he pulled into the market parking lot, gently easing his car to a stop and twisted the keys out of the ignition. "Alrighty, let's go"

Hey! First chapter! I actually quite like how it's going and have a lot of plans for it. Feel free to interact with the book, comments let me know that you actually are enjoying it 😅 have a good day and remember to have some water and a snack if you can!
Also for anyone confused, Ryan is Ranboo. Ofc I dont know if it's his real name or not, but for the sake of the story it is.

Published 10/18/21

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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