chapter 1 - Too good to be true

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"Guys, that was absolutely brilliant!" I shouted panting heavily.

"Ugh that better be the amount of times we rehearsed. Sh*t man, I feel like I've got abs, like on top of my abs, and then on top of that, a layer of ninja sauce."

I rolled my eyes at Felix. Boys will be boys i guess. "Well practice makes perfect ! Unless you want me to put the song on repeat, and run through it until you bleed through your noses. So I suggest you put a sock in it" I reprimanded. A collective round of groans suddenly rose. It brought a smile to my lips. Ha, perks of being captain. They should be scared. In order to win county finals, we needed to practice. Practice hard.

"Take 5 and then we'll have warm down stretches" I called. I walked to the back of the open plan studio, my eyes scoping out my worn, familiar Jack Wills duffel bag. As I bent down, I heard someone clear their throat right behind me."Hey Blake, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Yeah, sure." I quickly spun round holding my water bottle when I heard the all too familiar voice; Fred. My eyes met with familiar chestnut locks which framed stormy grey eyes. To say that I fancied Fred, was  an understatement. I liked him ever since I twisted my ankle so I couldn't go to the party of the year. He offered to come round and watch movies with me but of course I declined. I'm sure he was just doing it to make fun of me or something right? 

His mouth  was set in a nervous smile. My stomach flipped at the sight of his lips. "I was wondering, um like..." He began staring at the floor intently. He couldn't be trying to ask me out on a date or something? No, that could never happen to someone like me so I did what I do best. "For f*cks sake spit it out love, we're going to be here until pigs start to frickin fly." He blushed the cutest shade of tomato and looked away. Instantly a wave of regret crept over me, why do I keep doing that? Then I remembered why, I have to protect myself so what happened that day won't happen again. 

At last he met my eyes, "I was wondering, if err, you'd like maybe go out after school on friday, if your not busy of course!" He spluttered the last part as if it was the only bit that wasn't rehearsed. I pushed all negative thoughts to the back of mind. "Yeah, I'd love to" I beamed. My stomach was doing back flips and star jumps. I couldn't believe it ! They guy I've fancied forever likes me back woohoooo. I don't think it's a joke because he seemed quite genuine. 

"Really?" He asked his jaw dropping.

"You heard me the first time, do I look like a parrot? By the way, you might want to scrape what's left of your jaw of the floor" I said with a teasing lilt to it. Thankfully he understood I was just pulling his leg "A very beautiful parrot." he said with a wink, suddenly finding his confidence. I laughed at the cheesiness, "Everybody back in formation, last one does 50 more crunches".

As soon as the music ended, I dismissed the team quickly. "Good effort people but we still need to step it up for County." Ah I couldn't wait to get home and have the longest bath. "Blaaakkeee" I looked round to see Georgia, one of my best friends, jogging to catch up to me. "Heyyy, what's up?" Georgia was tiny, scraping 5'3 but she had the personality and confidence of a giant. "There's this party on saturday, you just positively absolutely have to be there!!" why not? It'd be a great event for me and Fred to go to. I smiled at the thought of him. "Sure, I'll be there."

"perfect, I'll see you there. Bye hun," she said blowing me a kiss.

"ahaha yeah, you will you freak" I said blowing one back. She caught it and put in her pocket while getting into her mum's car. Oh yeah, that reminds me. Where's my ride? My mum is normally parked right outside on time every time. I pull out my iPhone, fumbling slightly as it nearly falls out my grip. I check my messages and see one from mum. So sorry love, can't pick you up today cos me and your dad are v. busy at home. We have some exciting news to tell you. F*ck I thought, this is the last thing I need, its cold as hell and I'm so tired. Despite this my curiosity ate at me. What's this, I quote exciting news to tell me? 

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