The summit part 1

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I woke up the next morning to find Rias snuggled up to me as I got out of bed and made breakfast for us. When she woke up we ate pancakes and then we left. Rias went to get her peerage while I went to meet up with Arthur. When I arrived at the school Arthur was standing outside her limo. She wasn't in the best of moods.

Arthur: "are you ready?"

Alex: "yeah of course. What's wrong?"

Arthur: "hellsing is coming to the summit... and I only just found out."

Alex: "integra hellsing is here?"

Arthur: "yes... so is... he..."

Alex: "braydon?"

Arthur: "alucard..."

Alex: "he has a reputation of unnecessary damage..."

We then walk into the room the summit is taking place in. We seen Michael, sirzechs, azazel and serafall waiting. Irina was standing behind Michael and some punk looking guy was standing behind azazel. Sona and her Vice President where behind serafall and sirzechs. And there where 2 empty seats waiting one for Camelot one for hellsing. Arthur sat down in her seat and I leaned on the wall by sona. Miss hellsing entered with a old guy who I assume was her butler Walter he has a reputation as well. But... where's braydon? And worse yet... alucard. Rias arrived with her peerage and we just stood there waiting. Until we heard something that made me sigh. Hail to the king by avenged sevenfold started playing and the door burst open. Braydon and alucard where standing there."

Arthur: "nice for you to join us king of hearts."

Braydon: "glad to be here ma'am."

Alucard: "suck up."

They then stood by the punk looking guy.

Sirzechs: "so with everyone here we can begin. This is my sister and her friends they fought against kokobile during his surprise attack a few days ago."

Michael: "that is a rather impressive feat. I thank each one of you for all of your hard work."

Azazel: "once again I apologize. It seems one of my boys caused you a bit of trouble."

Arthur: "your "boy" killed one of my top operatives. And attempted to start the war again."

Integra: "it's a shame nobody came to the hellsing organization for help we could have prevented it from getting out of hand."

Arthur: "if you got involved your dog would caused more damage then prevented."

Sirzechs: "now that all the participants are represented let this summit commence."

After most of the details of the attack where disclosed and shown on a screen made from magic Rias finished telling her story.

Rias: "the rest of the details regarding the incident between kokobile and my household can be found in my official report."

Sona: "as a witness I Sona Sona sitri confirm the veracity of the report given by lady gremory."

Sirzechs: "that will be all. And what of you Ace of spades of Camelot?"

Alex: "well seeing as I killed the son of a bitch. I don't see any issues with him anymore."

Azazel: "I do apologize for what happened to your family alex. Kokobile feared your father and his skills."

Alex: "it's Ace to you azazel. We're not familiar enough yet and I don't like your attitude much."

Azazel: "fair enough."

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