Chapter 4

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Eren and Zeke each walked on either side of Marco as they made their way to Zeke's van. As soon as they left the proch Cena was running up to them with wagging tail and a happy bark.
Eren got Cena in the back and crawled in beside her while Marco got shot gun.
"You really believe Levi's story about Sirens?"

"Yes I do."

"Why? Because he has scars as 'proof'? He was probably in a shipwreck and traumatized. As a trauma response his brain had to make sense of the accident and death of his husband, and of the damage to his body, so it clung to the fairytale of evil singing ship sinking mermaids." Shaking his head as they began to drive Marco continued "I Don't believe they're real."

Zeke was quiet, and still Eren was also. Which only made Marco unsettled. The Jaeger's were a loud bunch, all of them hard headed and opinionated to a fault. They never strayed from speaking their mind, or telling you what they thought. So to be in the presence of two of them and have them near dead silent? It sent goosebumps down Marco's neck

"Dad will check you out and make sure you aren't hurt or anything." Eren grumbled taking a towel to the dog dripping on the seat beside him.

"Does Dr Jaeger believe in magic horny mermaids also?"

"Yes." Both boys spoke again in unison.

Marco was still skeptical. But he supposed the strange singing and the mysterious person standing in the ocean was proof of their existence. The way Marco had made eye contact with the man, the way his eyes seemed to glow with the lightening.
"Aren't sirens supposed to be women though? To lure sex deprived sailors to their doom with the appearance of being female? So why did the person I saw have masculine traits?"

Zeke and Eren both laughed. Loud, obnoxious, ridiculous laughing. Zeke's laugh alone was very loud and filled the small space of the van, but accompanied by Eren's laugh Marco couldn't help but feel irritated
"Marco, really? Yes according to mythology Sirens and mermaids and things of that sort are portrayed as beautiful women. But sailors back in the day certainly were not sex deprived. Nor were they straight. Most pirate ships even had homosexual marriages, recognized by the Captain and the rest of the crew even. So of course some sirens appear as women and some as men, to appeal to their victims. I thought of all people you would know that."

"Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I knew that fact about pirates."

"Zeke he's pouting now!"

"I am not pouting Eren!"

"You kind of are."

"Shut up Zeke!" Marco crossed his arms older his chest with a huff as he leaned back in his seat. The rain had lightened and was just a steady pouring that thumped a familiar tune on the roof of the van.
Eren and Zeke bickered quietly as Marco's eyes slipped shut. The Jaeger's lived around the corner so it was only a 5 minute drive, but with flooded roads it took closer to 20 minutes, enough time for Marco to drift half awake. The exhaustion on his body and mind was unusual, but taxing nonetheless. His short dream was filled with reflective eyes and a tune he couldn’t seem to remember with words he didn't know how to say, but he felt like he needed to reach this person, like he needed to find this mysterious man. He was running, running after this man that kept motioning and laughing for him to chase him, Marco was also laughing. Laughing and chasing through a wooded area and suddenly his feet slipped and he couldn't stop in time. The man went over a Cliffside and so did Marco, barreling into the rocky depths below.

Jolting from his sleep right as Zeke turned the van off Marco scrubbed a hand down his face and looked around. Wide brown bleary eyes darting every which way, mind trying to decide where in the world he was
"We're back at our house. Dad will check you over and then I'll escort you and Cena home."

Rubbing his eyes Marco nodded, pulling his bright yellow hood up and climbing out of the van with Eren and Cena right beside him, Zeke joined him on the other side as they lead him up onto the covered porch and into the little entry way
"Mom! Dad! Eren and I are back!"

"Oh thank god!" Carla called from the kitchen. She appeared in the entryway a moment later, wiping her hands on her apron "Marco are you alright sweetie? What happened?"

"I've not the slightest clue." He replied honestly to which Eren scoffed and rolled his eyes

"He almost got lured in by a Siren is what happened." Eren grumbled taking his shoes and jacket off

"That is not what happened Eren! They aren't real!"

"Marco go into the living room. Grisha will be down from his office in a moment to look you over." Carla was serious now, her smile gone and replaced with a concerned frown

"You believe that nonsense too? Mrs Jaeger I didn't think you'd be one to be superstitious." Marco looked at her once she forced him onto the couch. Marco was real sick of being forced to sit down and being babies

"I'm not superstitious Marco. I just know what's true and what's not. How did it happen?" As soon as the question finished she held up a hand for Marco to wait to respond, turned and leaned on the rialing of the staircase "Grisha! Get your ass down here! Bring the med kit!"

"Which one!?" Came the hurried reply as a door was heard creaking open

"I dunno probably both!" Carla hollered in tone which Marco took as a bit aggressive, but Eren and Zeke didn't seem bothered

A moment and a loud thump later the good Dr Jaeger came jogging down the stairs with two cases in hand. He put them both on the coffee table his boys had cleared and opened them up
"What attacked you?"

"Other than Levi tackling me to the wet sand? Nothing."

"Notbing scratched, bit, or touched you in anyway?" Grisha adjusted his round glasses as his dark eyes met Marco's "Young Man this is very serious. Please answer without sarcasm."

"Nothing scratched, bit or touched me in anyway. Other than Levi when he tackled me to the sand" Marco spoke slowly, the irritation in his voice obvious. He respected the Jaeger's greatly, Dr Jaeger was a phenomenal doctor, and seemingly an all round decent guy. A little weird at times but knowing his two sons it didn't surprise Marco one bit. Though Grisha was the least aggressive out of his family it seemed.

"Good. Did you get scratched by accident at all when you were tackled?"

"No sir. Are we done here? I need to take my dog home and everyone is being weird and not making sense today."

"Of course of course." Grisha shone a light in Marco's eyes, listened to his heart beat and watched his face closely
"There’s a lot out there that means you harm. I know that the idea of Sirens and other Supernatural creatures seems like a nightmarish fairytale, but a good portion of it exists. In our area and in the sea especially. Most other things have been hunted to nothing, but so little of the sea is explored by humans and so much of it ruled by things you think and other humans think are fictitious. I know it's a lot. I'm going yo call your parents saying the boys want you to spend the night."

"I'm 17 I Don't need permission to spend the night at a friend's house Sir. Why do I need to stay the night anyway?" Marco's eyebrows furrowed, his head was swimming and he just wanted to sleep for a week.

"You're still a kid and you still live with your parents, besides with how bad the weather is I know your parents need to know where you are so they know you're safe." Grisha noticed the slight change in Marco's demeanor but didn't say anything yet "I want to monitor you for the night to make sure you're okay, and ask any questions you may have."

"I've got one." Marco pointed to the three vein like scars that came down under one of Dr Jaeger's eyes "If you believe in Sirens, and were in a shipwreck before Eren was born, is that where the scars came from? From one of them"

"Yes." There was a heavy pause as Dr Jaeger stood and gathered his things back into their cases "I'm going to call your mother now. Eren, please get him dry clean clothes and towels for a shower. I'm sure he wants the sand out of his hair."

Waterdrops -AoT Siren AU - JeanMarcoWhere stories live. Discover now