Part Four

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The first date. The beginning of everything.

Oh god, what if she messed it up? Everything had to be perfect, and she was ready for the night to be perfect too.

She was all dolled up, her hair curled, her dress flattering, her shoes shining, her makeup gorgeous.

The only thing missing was... Sam. He was late.

An hour later, her doorbell rang. She ran to it, trying to make it seem like she hadn't been sitting on the bench in front of the door the whole time, hadn't been worrying about what she had done wrong to make him not show up.

She flung open the door to a breathless Sam.

"I'm so sorry Lily, there was a problem with my little sister and I couldn't leave her alone until my parents came home and she..."

Lily interrupted him with a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm just happy you're here, Sam. Where are we going?"

Sam smiled, his eyes brightening, the only stars in her night sky.

"To a special place."

Sam brought her to a grassy hill, with a perfect view of the starry night. He shook out a picnic blanket and lay an assortment of food on it. Lily's eyes watered as she saw what it was. All of her favorite foods. He had remembered.

"Sam, I can't believe you remembered everything I love. I love that you notice every detail, this night is perfect."

"It's not perfect yet. Do you know why I brought you here?"

Lily shook her head.

"This is a special place to me, that I've never shown anyone else. It's the place where I can always escape to, and where I can always find peace. But now, I know I'll never let it go, especially now that this memory of our first date here made this hill even more special to me."

Lily was choked up with emotion, and couldn't come up with anything to say. So, she did the only thing she was capable of thinking of at the moment, and crashed her lips against his. How had she managed to find a well-spoken guy who knew the perfect moments to say the most beautiful words?

She had gotten her perfect first date.

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