Chapter 7

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I stood outside the dorm building waiting for Josie and Ben to show up so we could head to the party. I wasn't too sure what to expect from tonight seeing as how this was all new to me. New people, new city, new life.

Ok, so I was a bit nervous. But honestly, for all I knew these people could have a plan to chop me up into little bits and sell my organs on the black market.

That was a bit of a stretch.

"Hey kid! Ready to party!" I heard Ben shout as he and Josie approached from the inside of the building.

"Hell yeah! Let's go!"

We walked the five blocks to an old, trashy house with blaring this new glam metal music that was coming into style. Not to sound like an old man, but to be honest, I hated it.

When we walked inside the house was swarming with people, all done up in the typical L.A. fashion. I went into the kitchen with Ben and Josie to get drinks when I saw something, or someone that caught my eye.

Over in the corner was a man with bright copper hair, surrounded by people looking at him in awe, almost as if he was some sort of god.

"Who is that!" I asked Josie, pointing over to the redhead.

"That's Axl Rose, as in the lead singer of Guns n Roses! What kind of question is that?"

I had never heard of this Axl Rose guy before in my life, and Guns n Roses? What the hell kinda band name is that! But for some reason, I felt so compelled to get to know the guy that I downed a shot of vodka and walked right over to him, locking eyes as the bit of booze in my system began to make my anxieties melt away.

"Where is she going?" I heard Ben ask Josie as I walked away with unfaltering confidence.

"To do something I could only dream of having the balls to do." She replied.

"Who's this pretty lady?" He widened his Cheshire Cat grin with a twinkle in his eye. The girls around him stared at me like I had a target on my head.

"Liv James. And who might you be?"

"Axl Rose at your service."

Sorry for taking forever to update! Enjoy the picture of young Axl, it's kinda how I pictured him to look here.

Come A Little Closer (A Duff Mckagan Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora