Chapter 2

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I put in a picture of Duff in Ten Minute Warning
He was so little!
I hope you enjoy the story! Let me know if I should keep writing!
One week later

I was working at the grocery store, angrily stacking cans of soup, thinking about how my life was slowly turning to shit. My job sucked, my grades were starting to slip, and my parents hadn't been home in two days.

Oh, yeah, and the only person who really gave a shit about me was leaving in a week.

I leaned over to the box next to me before I noticed a large shadow approaching me. I looked up to see that god damn heart crushing sasquatch grinning down at me. I was still entirely too bitter.

"What do you need, Duffers." I asked, trying to hold in my anger.

"My mom sent me out to get milk, I figured I'd visit my favorite grocery store attendant." He was as charming as ever, I couldn't help but smile.

"I think the milk is in LA, maybe you should just look there!" A condescending smile spread across my face as I batted my eyelashes.

I was really trying to dig it in deep. His grin faltered and he looked at me with guilt in my eyes.

"You know, you could always come with me. You could get enrolled in school there and we'd both have jobs and share an apartment. I want you to be there with me."

"I'm still underaged! What about my parents? My life in Seattle? I can't just up and leave, there's too much that needs to be put into this and I-I can't." I started to get worked up and tears threatened to fall.

I wouldn't let Duff see me cry, not over this.

I'm too strong.

"I can't do this alone. Fuck, I don't really know what I'm doing."

It was the first time I sensed a bit of fear in his expression. He was always cool and confident and people, especially girls, flocked to him. Duff always had people trying to get him to jam with them and everyone that knew him here loved him. He was going to a whole new place alone, no friends, no family, just him. I couldn't be angry with him anymore.

"I get why you're scared, Duff, but I need you to go. You have dreams that are so much bigger then this shithole and I know you're gonna make it. I just need you to understand why I can't come with you just yet."

"I'm not scared, just uh.....I've gotta go."

He stopped talking as he proceeded to turn around and walk out of the store.

Not scared my ass.

I finished off my shift about an hour later and headed home to do my homework. I had school the next day and I needed to be ready to get my shit back together.

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