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          SHE STARED at the lifeless body in the alleyway. Vera watched the scarlet liquid dance around the body, the pile growing bigger after each second whilst the alleyway began to fill up with blood. Vera then began to pull out her cellular phone ── with her eyes still fixated on the blood spilling on the ground ── and she hit three on the speed dial system. The phone rang and rang until finally on the last ring, the person on the other end answered. 

          "Huh, I thought my phone was lying when your name appeared across my screen."

           Vera bit the inside of her cheek. Putting down pressure, the young adult could feel the skin peeling off. The metallic taste of blood followed afterward. She hated this acquaintance, well, they were more like frenemies. "Funny, I didn't realize I dialed a bastardous traitor, my bad," Vera sneered whilst she threw a dirty look her way, not that the woman would have been able to see it anyway.

           The voice fell silent, nothing but the sound of heavy breathing echoing in Vera's left ear. All of sudden there it was, a laugh. A hearty yet deadly laugh that Vera knew all too well. She, in return, choked out a dry chuckle and a fake smile.

          "I see you're different; a cat hasn't gotten your tongue anymore, I like it. Whatcha need my sweet, sweet prodigy?"

         Vera sighed, and her fingernails clenched into the palm of her hand; she was trying to keep herself from saying the wrong thing. One wrong move and she knew the woman wouldn't help her, "I got myself into a sticky situation and──" Vera looked down at the man's opened eyes and still body, "──I need your," she didn't want to admit that this is what she needed, so she kept her voice to a low whisper, "help."

          "What was that?"

          She could practically hear the woman jumping for joy on the other line. So, with her voice louder and more annoyed she repeated herself, "Help. I need your help."

         "Um, let me think, no. Sorry Ven, I can't help you."

         This time, Vera bit her tongue. She hated this whole frenemy thing she had going on. If she didn't require her assistants every couple of years, Vera would have tracked her down and put an end to her. "Hub, does animal control know they have a cat infected with rabies on the loose?" Vera hummed aloud her question in an attempt to put pressure on the woman.

          "You're hilarious."

         Vera gripped tightly onto the phone, her knuckles going white in an instant. "Listen to me you fucking bitch──"

V FOR VENDETTA, KORY ANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now