Both Sides of the Story Part Two

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Here's the second part as promised! I hope you enjoy.


"Well?" Riku asks, tilting his head ever so slightly.

Sora jumps off the tree he's been sitting on and takes a step towards him, "About.."

Sora sighs, fidgeting. He glances up at Riku, "Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?"

Riku frowns, "What makes you think that?"

"Because of earlier," Sora groans, "Yesterday, by the station, remember? You were being all weird when I was talking to you, and.."

"That had nothing to do with you." Riku states harshly.

Sora winces, "Then what was it about?"

"That is none of your business." Riku replies.

Sora frowns, "What about the other times then? Yesterday's the first time you've been so weird, but you don't hang out with me or talk to me outside of school, not since Kairi left."

"What are you talking about?" Riku scoffs, "I skipped school and spent all day with you a couple weeks ago."

"We were here, though!" Sora shakes his head, "Here doesn't count, no one ever comes here anymore!"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Riku raises an eyebrow.

"I want to be in public with you, too!" Sora takes a step towards him, he can feel his emotions rising.

"I already told you I don't want a Soulmate." Riku averts his gaze from Sora.

Sora stops, eyes widening for a moment. He laughs lightly after a moment, his eyes darkening, "Because I'm a boy, right?"

Riku looks back at him, his expression a mix of anger and betrayal, "I never said that."

"You didn't have to." Sora crosses his arms, fighting the tears building in his eyes, "It makes so much sense now. I'm so stupid."

"You're putting words in my mouth," Riku glares at him, "I already told you I don't care that you're a boy! Did you conveniently forget that?!"

"You're a liar!" Sora blurts out, almost surprised at himself. He groans and shakes his head, walking past him, "I'll leave you alone."

"Sora!" Riku moves and grabs Sora by the arm as thunder rumbles overhead. Sora glares back at him, pulling his arm out of Riku's grip, "What?!"

"I never lied to you." Riku states.

Sora scoffs, "I don't believe you! How else am I supposed to take your actions, Riku?! You said you didn't care I was a boy, you said you had feelings for me, too but don't want to be with me?! You don't even want to be seen with me in public! You kissed me here, Riku! Did you just expect me to pretend it didn't happen afterwards?!"

"This little island isn't a world of it's own!" He's not sure when he had started crying, but he can't stop now, "You're my Soulmate! I want to be with you, I can't help it! And if you don't feel the same, I wish you would just tell me the truth!"

"I am telling you the truth, but you're not listening to me!" Riku groans, rain pours down on them, "God damn it, Sora, just listen to me! I have never lied to you!"

"You just didn't tell me everything, did you?" Sora says softly, his voice drowned out by the thunder. A flash of lightning lights up the sky and Sora's surprised to see he's not the only one crying. Or maybe it's just the rain, he can't tell.

"Do you want to be with me or not?!" Sora screams, hands clenched into fists, "Because I can't keep doing this! I can't fall in love again only to get my heart broken a second time!"

Riku stares at him for a moment before closing the distance between them. He kisses Sora, only to be smacked across the face in return. He brings his hand up to his cheek, frowning. Sora stares at him, glaring as tears continue to train down his face and sobs leave his throat, "You can't just.. Do that! That doesn't tell me anything!"

"Sora.." Riku sighs and Sora only looks away, covering his face with his hands. After a few moments of silence, Riku wraps his arms around Sora slowly, pulling him close. Sora shakes his head, hitting Riku's chest lightly with his fist, "No.. Just stop.."

"I want to be with you, Sora, that's the truth." Riku states softly, "I promise you, I do."

"Then why?" Sora closes his eyes, shivering from the cold of the rain and the fading adrenaline of his now fading anger.

"It's just.." Riku pulls back a little to look at Sora, who looks up at him as he continues, "It's not up to me."

"What do you mean?" Sora wipes the rain and tears from his eyes, sniffling.

Riku shakes his head, "It's nothing for you to be worried about."

Smiling softly, he places a gentle hand on Sora's cheek. He speaks softly, "Can I kiss you?"

Sora hesitates, so Riku pulls away. Sora grabs Riku's hand as it leaves his face and he nods, "Y-yes. You can kiss me."

Riku watches him for a moment before leaning close and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, his hand touching Sora's face again. He pulls back a little, staring Sora in the eyes, "I never want to see you cry like this again, especially not because of me."

Sora's eyes widen, he wants to say something, but he suddenly doesn't know what to say. Riku smiles softly, a gentle, guilty expression.

"I never meant to hurt you, Sora. Tell me what will make this up to you?" Riku asks.

"Tell me the truth," Sora demands softly, "I don't want to be somebody's secret, Riku. So tell me what's going on. If you want to be with me.. I need it to be real, okay? Please? So just tell me.."

Riku sighs softly, gently moving Sora's bangs aside so he can see his eyes better, "Alright.. I don't care that you're my Soulmate, but my father will. Do you understand?"

Sora frowns, nodding, "Yeah.."

"That's why I've been.. Trying to be careful about how I'm seen in public.." Riku explains, "I don't want to hurt you, and I definitely don't want you to think I'm just using you. Can you forgive me for how I've been acting?"

Sora nods, "Only if you forgive me, too. I shouldn't have called you a liar, and.. I'm really sorry for hitting you."

Riku smiles, "It's okay."

Sora smiles back, "Then it's okay, too."

Riku sighs, "We shouldn't stay here like this."

"But it's not safe to row back in a storm." Sora frowns.

Riku pulls back, crossing his arms, "Guess we're staying until it calms down then."

I'm going to be in so much trouble, Sora smiles softly, "Guess so. And when we get in trouble for sneaking out, you can blame everything on me, okay?"

Riku chuckles lightly, "Right. Let's just get out of the rain."

Sora nods and they run to the treehouse as quickly as they can, it kept them pretty dry the last time they were trapped here during a storm so it should work again just fine. They settle in to wait and Sora can't help but remember the last time they were here, the night they were revealed to be Soulmates, the night Kairi dumped him. She did what she thought was best, and I need to do what I think is best for me and Riku, too. 

Sora sighs, "I'm sorry for calling you out here." 

"I'm not." Riku shrugs, staring out the window at the rain and the lightning. Sora blushes lightly and smiles to himself. Maybe things will be different now, better. I could use a little "better."

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