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Warning this is weird and... A lil gross but dont worry about that

The feeling of alien claws on his face stung and burned as they scratched bloody marks slowly down his face. Thumbs kept dibs mouth held open as the glovless invader watched with curious fiery eyes as the blood pricked and pooled at his skin like dew on the morning grass. Zims jaw was set in an unreadable depression as he examined the filthy human infront of him, a few inches below him and pressed into the wall. He slipped his thumbs out of his mouth and let the humans mouth close, gulping the saliva that threatened to spill past his lips as drool. Dib scowled at him, eyebrows furrowing into an angry expression but never fighting back against him, infact he curled his hands into zims uniform, dragging him closer, leaning his chin up in an attempt to reach his mouth. Zim held him still, leaning in close to his mouth, breathing his air, nose almost bumping against his face.

"One day," zim whispered harshly right in dibs ear "ill destroy you, and everything you love" dib bit back a groan, knocking his head against the wall and willing his eyes to focus on zim so close. He looked like a wreck, eyes hooded, face red hot and bleeding, lips wet and parted ever so slightly as he sucked in as much air as his lungs would allow.

"I'm going to kill you" he rasped out, closing his eyes as a green claw stole his glasses and threw them to the ground. Zim pressed his chest into dibs, feeling his heavy human heartbeat rattle in his chest. Dib was burning under his graasp, body heat radiating off of him like a furnace. Zims handss were like ice pressed into the humans cheeks.

"Just try, human" zim growled deep in the back of his throat, before pressing a bruising kiss into dibs mouth. There was nothing sweet about it. It was full of anger and hate and red hot passion fuled by a blind rage. Dibs hands clawed his chest, grabbing fistfulls of his uniform and yanking him impossibly closer. Zims hands released their deathgrip from dibs face and instead curling in his hair, forcing a groan out of him as he pulled roughly. His hair was slicked back with grease, the oils feeling disgusting under zims hands in retaliation, he pulled even harder, using the leverage to push dibs head where he wanted it to be. His other hand scarped down to his neck, placing his whole hand around dibs throat and pinning him in place but not constricting his breathing. Dib broke the kiss to gasp for air, the pricks of zims claw in his neck shooting sparks behind his eyes. Zim pulled back to watch him squirm, smirking widley as dib squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered out his name.

"I could kill you" zim sneered, putting a little more pressure into his grip "right here, right now. No one would find you" zim snaked his long alien tounge out of his mouth and into dibs, letting it explore dib, lips hovering just centimeters apart.he shoved his tongue to the back of his throat, gagging him. A hand moved to zims wrist, pulling at it roughly to get him to let up off his onslaught on his throat. Zim let up just a little and pulled his tongue back into his own mouth. Dib gasped and coughed,hand holding zims away from his neck to let him recover, even if it was just briefly.

"I hate you" he spat at him, his voice was rough and full of maliced, but his kiss bruised lips were leaning into zim again, pushing off the wall and grabbing the back of zims head. He moved his hands up to his antennas, grabbing them as roughly as zim had grabbed his hair and tugging before smoothing them out again. Zim bit his lip hard in retaliation, drawing blood from it before pulling it into his mouth and sucking, letting the coppery taste fill his mouth.

"asshole." dib pulled back, the blood now pooling out of 3 places on his face

"Stop talking" zim growled shoving his face into dibs.

"I hate you" he groaned again against his lips.

"Oh yeah?" zim pried his hand of dibs grip and pressed two fingers lightly against his pulse point in his neck, uncharacteristically soft against the anger of the night "then why does your heart beat as if you find me, and everything i'm doing attractive, human"

"I think its your turn to shut up" dib hissed, arching his neck away from his hands only for zim to lean in and attach his lips against his neck, free hand going over dibs mouth and wrenching the head back to give him more room.

"Ive been trying for years to kill you" zim licked a stripe up his neck and dib shivered roughly. " and now i really can, with you right here under my grasp" anxiety and passion coarsed through dibs veigns as he stayed till, trying to suck in breath through his nose. Zim could taste his sweat, feel his blood rushing through him under his lips, see the way he squirmed under his hold as he spoke.

"I think you like that idea" Dib tried to respond but the hand covering his mouth made it come out more of a muffled whimper than anything. "Disgusting. And you say i'm the freak" zim sunk his teeth into where his neck met his shoulder, hands finally releasing their death grip on dib to grab his stupid leather coat and shovw it down his shoulder. Dib helped him, shuffling it off and kicking it away at his feet.

"Youre absolutely filthy" zim growled, sucking hickeys into his neck and scratching his hands up his chest underneath his shirt "getting off to the idea of me killing you. Disgusting."

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