Rules ig

22 2 4

Hi, welcome to chili's

1. Don't pout if you don't win one of the raffles

2. You can enter into 2 raffles at the max

3.  You have to be following me to enter. 

How this is going to be a raffle, is that I'll show a picture of an eye. I'll list it's features and what creature it is. The only thing you'll know about it is it's eye color and some information on it

I'll announce the winner of a raffle when it has at least 30 entries or it's been 2 weeks and less than 30 entries. 

When entering, please tag some people. I can tell this is going to be a dead raffle if no one tags their friends. 

Also thanks guys, a lot. I never thought I'd gone this far, so this is to all of my friends who kept me sane and alive during my hard times. 


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