Fire and Electricity, What Could Go Wrong?

Start from the beginning

"My powers are out of control."


"Yes, again."

Casey jiggled the door handle. "It's locked."

"I know."

"I'm gonna break the lock by shocking it, is that okay?"

"I guess." I heard the lock blast off. I turned around.

Casey opened the door. "What's up? What can I do?"

"I dunno."

"Do you want me to get someone?"

"Can you get me mom?"

"Yeah, sure." She walked into the hallway.

"Graves! Magnus needs you!"

I sat down on my bed. I couldn't even put my head in my hands or I'd burn myself.

I heard Angelica come in the room "Magnus, this again?"

"Sorry, I'm still learning to control it. It's become stronger."

"I understand that... Take a deep breath in and out."

I did so. The burning in my hands died down a bit.

"Now, keep doing that until it all stops."

After a few times, the fire had disappeared. "Thanks."

"I'm glad you're better. Get some rest, don't overwork yourself today."


Angelica walked out.

"You good, Mag?" Casey sat on my bed next to me.

I was looking down at my hands. "Yeah, I think so."

Casey grabbed my wrist. "Wow. You got burnt. You need help wrapping those burns?"

"I guess." I looked up.

Casey stood. "I'll be back with some bandages... and some Vaseline."



Casey walked back in my room with bandages, Vaseline, and an ice pack. She helped me wrap up by burns and then forced my to ice my hands. "You'll feel better afterward.", she pleaded.


"I need to get back to training, but I'll have my phone on me. Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Case."

"Of course." She walked out. I could tell she was slightly blushing.

Tell her how you feel.

Casey POV:

"Wow, he's cute.", I mutter under my breath, walking out of Magnus' room. I headed to the practice room. I closed the door to the practice room for privacy. I stood back from a target at one end of the room and threw a lightning bolt at it. "Dead middle!", I squealed, jumping up and down. I threw another bolt. The target cracked and sent a shock wave through the walls. My eyes widened. "Well... I'm screwed." I snuck out of the practice room and walked back to Magnus' room. "Hey, Mag?"

"Hmm?" He looked up. "What's up?"

"I may have accidentally cracked the wall in the practice room."

"Wh- How?!"

"I don't know!"

"Okay. Umm. Don't worry about it, I'll talk it over with Angelica."

"Thanks." I felt my cheeks warm. "I'll-I'll be in my room."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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