|| 5. Tiredness ||

Start from the beginning

"Bhaiya, you seriously are thanking us. We are so glad you liked it. I worked so hard at preparing your favorite dessert. We loved your breakfast this morning and so this dinner was on us. So relived that you ate it and loved it as well. "

Saying so, Rudy tightened the hug and stayed in it until he heard both his brothers say, "Rudy, moment nikal gaya, pehele emotional tha, ab awkward hai"

All laughed at this statement and bidding everyone good night retreated to their rooms.

Shivaay entered into the room and kept his coat and waistcoat on the dressing table chair. He loosend his tie and crashed onto the sofa. He eyes closed automatically. Annika entered the room in a few minutes. She saw Shivaay's tired figure. Keeping the water jar on the dressing table she went towards him and slowly started massaging his temples. She observed his tired face. She knew he was getting very busy in his work and deserved some rest. In the meantime, Shivaay opened his eyes and looked up to see her. He gave her a smile and taking her hands gave a kiss. He got up from the couch and said, "Thank you very much Anni, now you go the sleep. You were also busy the whole day and you need rest too. I ll just shower and change okay."

Saying so, he took his night clothes and went into the bathroom. He badly needed a shower. After almost 15 minutes, he came out and saw Annika reading something on her phone. He asked her, Anni, you didn't sleep. I was coming na. You are tired, I can see it on your face. Come on now, go to sleep. "

"Shivaay, you aren't a good actor. You are more tired than me and your Kanji eyes always say the truth to me. So come on here, we both know we can't sleep without each other."

She tapped on the bed and Shivaay was immediately beside her. He kept his head on Annika's lap surprising Annika. But she was quick to understand that what he was feeling and only she could give him what was needed the most. Comfort. She lovingly started caressing his hair and he didn't protest for the first time. Finally after a few moments he said,
"Anni, you know I was so tired today. And I also a bit guilty for coming home late. I didn't see any of your messages. If only I had seen them, I could have come home sooner and wouldn't have to keep Omru and you waiting. I am sorry. "

"Shivaay, it's okay. It happens. You only said that you were busy in your meetings. So how could you have seen your mobile. Anyways, the end point is that all of us enjoyed our dinner. That was the main motive right. And also look at the positive side."

"Positive side, may I also know ma'am, what is the positive side that has made you smile. I am not very patient, you know. I want to know what has made you smile other than me."

" Don't ask what Shivaay, ask who. Who has made me smile. "

"Come on Anni, I know you more than yourself. You were smiling seeing Shah Rukh Khan, hai na? I know. And I am not at all jealous. He is a film star, is married and has kids. What's there to be jealous of him. Anyways I know that you are mine, just mine, okay. So now stop your drama and let's sleep. Come. "

"Okay, okay. I accept defeat. Good night. Meet me in my dreams okay."

Shivaay got up from her lap and Annika covered themselves with the blanket. She snuggled more into him when she heard him say, "Anni, thank you very much for understanding me. I know I am very busy these days and can't give you time. I also feel that Omru are having some problems with me which none of them are expressing. They are feeling that I am ignoring them purposely. J can't let us break. Please be with me always. I need you to be my strength. You will be with me, right? "

"Shivaay, I am always there with you. No matter what happens. And don't think that you are responsible to give me time. I am also working right. We both spend enough time. I treasure each and every moment spent with you. So just remove that thought from your mind. And as far as Omru are concerned, I am also feeling that maybe you are correct. But I don't think there are problems. There are insecurities. They are feeling a bit insecure. But I think that is just a phase. They both will get over it soon. They know that you are always with them. So you don't take any tension okay. At this time, you need to leave the house problems aside and completely focus on your business. That is more important right now. And I know my husband, he is going to bring the company to the top very soon. Then, you can completely concentrate on family okay. Now don't stress yourself and take rest. Good night."

She gave a small kiss on his cheek and he also smiled at her, a genuine one. He was now assured that no matter what she is always going to be there with him. He will take care of everything as long as she is there with him. He gave a forehead kiss and slowly both of them slipped into a deep slumber.


It is not a long update but I hope you guys like it. Please tell me how it is. It encourages us writers to write more. Please vote and comment.
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Until next time.
Enjoy the update.

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