Girl Meets Backstory

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Girl Meets Backstory

"Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore!"

"You never do!"

Seven-year-old Maya Hart held her tiny hands tightly clutched over her little ears to block out her parents' screams, but it didn't work. She was sitting in her room, cowered down in a small heap on top of her bed.

"What do you want from me?"

"I want my husband back! I want my daughter to finally have a father again!"

This – the screaming and the fighting – had been going on for some time now; Maya couldn't say how long exactly; months, years, it all kind of blurred together.

"I'm doing the best I can!"

"Oh really?!"

Maya had finally had enough. She couldn't take it anymore. Jumping up from her bed, she quickly went out into the hall and quietly ran out of the house. The little blonde dashed down the steps of their front porch and took off towards her safe place, her haven, her own little world.

Katy and Kermit Hart had been born and raised in Possum Trot, Arkansas. They had met in high school, fallen in love and married at the young age of 19. Katy had put her dreams of moving to the big city and becoming a famous actress on hold when she had become pregnant with their first child shortly after. Maya Penelope Hart had been born as the pride and joy of both her parents. And for a little while, things had been perfect.

And then, they weren't. Maya didn't know why – she was only seven years old; all the little blonde knew was that all her parents did these days was fight with each other. Sometimes, like today, it got so bad that Maya couldn't take it anymore. She knew she wasn't allowed to leave their property, so it was a good thing that the Hart family owned a big, beautiful house – it had originally belonged to Katy's grandparents – with an even larger garden. Their property bordered a forest and at the edge there was a small pond, hidden behind some trees and bushes.

That was exactly where Maya was headed now – like she always did when she wanted to escape her fighting parents. She sat down at the edge of the water and silent tears started running down her little cheeks. It wasn't too long before the young blonde started sobbing. Why couldn't her parents be like other parents? Why couldn't they just love each other – and her? Why couldn't they be happy?

The little girl had spent a long time thinking about the cause of her parents' arguments – all that fighting had made her mature beyond her years. Katy and Kermit had been happy once. And now they weren't. Together, the three of them had been the picture-perfect small-town family. And now they weren't. Her parents had loved each other. And now they didn't. So, the little blonde had come to the one and only conclusion that seemed to explain this. Love didn't exist.

Now, since Maya was only seven years old, she didn't actually know what love was. She knew that her parents had loved each other once and that they didn't anymore. She knew that love was supposed to be forever, but apparently it wasn't. So, keeping all that in mind, love – at least true love as those Disney movies called it – simply didn't exist.

Suddenly, Maya could hear footsteps behind her. She knew exactly who would be approaching her now. "Baby girl?"

"I'm here, Mommy," the little blonde called weakly.

The older blonde let out a relieved breath of air "Oh thank God." Katy Hart didn't say anything else for a little while. She just walked over to her daughter, sat down right beside her and put an arm around the girl. "I'm sorry, honey." She didn't have to say anything else; they both knew what she was referring to.

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