Chapter 141

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Rajeshwari moved to the centre of the cluster of trees, and swivelled slowly on the spot, scanning the entire backyard with interest. It looked unkempt and messy at first glance, with no neat arrangements for plants and trees. But a more leisurely examination showed the amount of care that had gone into maintaining the yard - not out of an urge to impress on onlooker, but only out of love. And it had a unique loveliness, with gorgeous flowers all over the place. There was a heavenly fragrance in the air, a beautiful mixture of the scents exuded by different flowers. And there was an odd peacefulness in the spot too.

She looked at Nandini, who was leaning against a large tree, with her hands behind her, and gazing vacantly into the distance.

Rajeshwari tentatively asked, "Nandini, what will we do if your family or Prithvi realise we've been crying?"

Nandini glanced at her blankly, trying to focus on the question. Then she smiled feebly and said, "We could say you were sharing sad stories about the people you met while working for your charitable foundation. And those stories made us cry."

Rajeshwari was impressed. "That's a believable story. How did you come up with it so quickly?"

Nandini smiled weakly in response. She could not reveal that she was accomplished at conjuring excuses for looking miserable and concocting stories to evade difficult situations, and that she had come up with this particular explanation even before they had left the guest room. Experience had also taught her to leave her hair open and arrange it tactfully on both sides of her face so that her state wouldn't be immediately visible to anybody. A bit of luck had also helped her this time, as she'd been on the steps outside the door when she'd heard her mother come downstairs, and she had hurried away to the backyard to avoid being stopped. But her mother knew where she was. Lunch time was in an hour, and she would have to go back to the house soon...

"You don't have to feel so bad for me, Nandini," Rajeshwari said earnestly. "I'm fine. I really am. And I'm feeling even better now after coming to this place," she said truthfully, looking around with curiosity.

"I'm glad you are," Nandini replied with warmth, but guilt was twisting her insides.

Rajeshwari smiled at her and turned away to wander among the trees.

Nandini pressed her palms against the trunk of the old mango tree, searching for the comfort and strength that it had always given her.

Her quick decision to seek refuge in this quietest and most secluded part of the yard had not been influenced only by Rajeshwari's condition. She had her own reasons for wanting to avoid being in the midst of other human beings for the moment, and especially to prevent any chance of seeing Prithvi until she had composed herself again. She couldn't face him at the moment. It would lead to an emotional disaster of the kind she'd been dodging since his arrival in Shamli.

She was battling to subdue her emotions, but it felt as though she was trying to block a monstrous tidal wave with her bare hands. Every bitter accusation she had made against herself in the past was crowded around her now, criticizing...cursing. And everything in her wanted to apologise to Prithvi in clear words for what she had done. After the bitterness of their interactions since yesterday, she could do it without causing any confusion about her intentions. They knew where they both stood...and that there was no going back...

Her heart, however, needed more. It wanted to express the insanity of the love she had for him...and the desperation with which she missed him every moment...

Nandini looked bleakly at Rajeshwari, who had cried a little along with her but had composed herself very fast. Now she merely looked slightly unhappy and confused. This resilience had been visible during their talk in the hotel too.

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