12: I Never Knew This!!

Bắt đầu từ đầu

My blood boiled listening to him but what cause more fury was the objection of my brothers.

"What the hell dad !!"
"What are you even saying...?"

Braydon said Brayson said at the same time while raising their voice.

Why they have so much problem in this...???

"Braydon and Bryson that's not your concern. Now excuse us and make sure no one gets suspicious about the stuffs happening right now."

Father side in a stern dismissing tone, to which they both scoffed and went out from the room in anger.

"Do you even know what are you saying father....?" I asked to him calmly, but from inside I was feeling like shouting at him for such a stupid idea, but I know better than doing it.

"I know very well what am saying Xavier. And what is the problem in this marriage. Trysta is a beautiful young lady and she will be a good submissive wife and not to forget, she is the only heir of Marco's empire. What else do you want..?"

He asked me and sat down on the couch with his legs crossed over each other.

"I just dont want to marry her and that's the only reason. And I think it's more than enough for her not to become my bride." I said while looking dead in his eyes.

He nodded his head while looking at the space. He kept thinking for few minutes before he again looked at me with a sinister smile on his lips.

"You know what xavier. She is the only heir of Marco White. You know he was my one of good friends. He was one of the strongest mafia but unfortunately he couldn't make it long."

Father said while looking at the wall ahead of me. I didnt react anything but kept listening to him, trying to find out soon what he is actually planning this time.

"Why do you think I took Trysta in our care....?
Becoz I pitied her....?
Well when Marco died, I did pitied her, but that reason was not strong enough to make me let her live under my protection.
You know I dont do charity work."

He said in a slow tone with a smirk and I clenched my fist at his words.

I always knew it, if father is taking Trysta under our roof, he must have a very big motto behind it.

"What is it father....?" I asked him impatiently, already anticipating the reasons.

Listening to my impatient voice he looked at me and smiled.

"Marco had a pretty big empire but unfortunately he couldn't make a strong heir for it. His love for his daughter made him tranfer all his money, asset , power and kingdom to his beloved daughter who is Trysta white. According to his demands, his all power, asset and his whole kingdom will be of Trysta White officially, as soon as she turns 24. And after 8 months she is turning 24."

He said and I alredy knew his reasons for taking her under our shelter and convincing me to marry her.

"I don't care how much power, money and asset she has on her name. I just can't tolerate her and I wont marry her. And that's final." I said angrily having enough of his cunning games.

"Well if you wont marry her then Braydon or Bryson will do it. And i will make sure of it. I haven't kept her all theses years just to marry her to another mafia and let them enjoy the power she holds." He said angrily but then stopped and smirked again.

I was angry would be an understatement. I was in fury and just wanted to destroy something or anything. And his words were helping my situation at all.

I should have known this from the very beginning....!!

"And my son you dont have to tolerate her for a long time." He said chuckling and I furrowed my eye brows at his words.

"What do you mean...?" I asked him carefully coz I know he is not talking about divorce n all.

"We are taking care of her health as she is suffering from a severe heart problem. Daily doses of her her drugs are reasons for her survival." He said and I felt my heart skipping a beat.

I never knew this...!!

"She is what....?" I asked him again to which he just looked in my eyes telling me whatever I just heard is true.

"Marry her.
Take her empire.
Make an heir for our kingdom and when you get enough of her, stop giving her medicines from which she is surviving till now.

By doing this, you will get everything and you don't even have tolerate her for your whole life.
Now think about this carefully."

I was left speechless when he was done.

I couldn't even believe what I heard is true, but I knew very well that to deny it.

"I will marry her. But only if she agrees to this marriage. If she wont want this wedding then I will marry someone else and nobody will force her in this." I said with finality in my voice.

Father nodded his head and get up from the couch.

"Dont worry about it. This wedding will occur only if she wants to. I will let you know about it " he Said calmly and went out from my room.

As soon as he went out, I didnt even realize when my hand raised up and get smashed with the mirror in front of me.

"Why the fuck I never knew about this...?"

Another punch.....

"Why only she...?"

Another punch.....

"Why I cant let it go....?"

Another punch.....

"Why the fuck I want to protect her..?"

Questioning my self like this, I continued punching on the already broken mirror untill my hands couldn't feel anything.

"I cant let them destroy her. She is too fucking weak to be destroyed Like this."

Published on - 22.06.2021

Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Lemme know your thoughts.

Next update will be very soon.

Do follow me on wattpad and on Instagram @author_priyaraj  to know more about my stories and updates.

Till then,
Stay safe and be happy


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