♡ ... › HAPPY BIRTHDAY.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x toman : ♡ • ›

🐿: "happy birthday shit face" keisuke cheered waking you up throwing a whole lot of sweets onto y/n. perks of having your birthday on halloween i guess? "unfortunately i can only spend half the day with you on your birthday and the night because of some gang conflict. i was actually considering not going because of your birthday but if i don't go i'll get eaten" he shrugged ruffling your hair sitting down on the bed.

"it's alright, once we can spend time together" you said with a small smile opening one of the sweet wrappers.




"little miss popular" kei smirked looking at your buzzing phone. at least fifteen new messages by the sounds of it.

"i mean my birthdays easy to remember since its on halloween" you smirked back picking up the phone, shifting to sit next to him so the both of you could see the text messages.


happy birthday y/n-chan ^_^ emma-chan told me your birthday was on halloween during one of our conversations last week! such a cute birthday for a cute girl! enjoy your day ( '∀`)☆

happy bday!

happy birthday y/n-chan (◠‿◠✿)

happy halloween

peh-yan told me it was your birtday haf a god 1 and tell baji hes a shithead

have a great birthday y/n! luna and mana said happy birthday too! :)

happy birthday.

' ??? '
sendou / akkun here! takemichi gave me your number happy birthday! yamamoto, yamagishi, and suzuki said to say it too !!!

happy birthday y/n-chan ♡

happy birthday y/n!! sorry i wasn't in class last friday! enjoy your day! and your brother is HOT

happy bday <3 don't listen to yui! she's lost her mind again !!

happy birthday y/n! hakkai says it too but the loser doesn't have the guts to text you it!


happy birthday y/n-chi, sorry i can't see you today and please stop ignoring my messages.


"hah? who's shuji?" keisuke raised an eyebrow looking at the screen

"hm? thats shuji hanma, whenever you weren't around he'd hang out with me growing up but when i went to emma-chan after she rang me he was fighting mikey-kun with that disgusting gang so i've been ignoring his messages since." y/n replied with a small sigh. shuji you really do act the fool sometimes.

"so you've been hanging out with that jackass without realizing who he was?" keisuke blurted while his eyes widened.

"more or less." you reply quietly opening another sweet wrapper.

"damn, thats pretty fucking weird." kei replied. he didn't yell at you, or give out to you for hanging out with the guy. it surprised you a lot, but i mean it's not like he could do much about it now. 

"wanna grab food? my treat" kei said with a small yawn.

you simply nod your head with a smile. most of your day wouldn't be spent with him which was unfortunate considering how much you wanted to spend it with him. he was your brother after all, and your mother probably didn't even know that it was your birthday.

"alright then get changed, i'll wait outside." he replied ruffling your hair before leaving the room. and just like that you got out of your bed which was covered in sweets and wrappers and began getting ready to go out.

your outfit wasn't anything fancy, but if emma-chan was here she would protest until you wore some super fancy and pretty outfit but maybe that wouldn't have been terrible but nope, you weren't in such a mood. instead you simply wore a pair of overly baggy jeans, and a small black tank top, both you managed to pull of without any hassle. they fit your figure just perfectly, nor were they overdone in anyway.

you slipped on a pair of your run down runners they were pretty dirty but it just made everything come together that much better. and simply let your jet black hair flow down to your hips.

skipping out of the apartment building to join your older brother. the both of you decided not to take his bike and instead to walk to the restaurant together giving you time for idle chit chat. it felt really nice, even if the both of you only had an hour and a half together.

the restaurant was filled with different people and cheap halloween decorations here and there without making it look tacky in anyway. it was really pretty especially for it being broad daylight. it didn't take much convincing for the both of you to sit outside. a nice small spot in a corner, away from the crowd and noise.

neither of you had intended on buying a proper lunch or dinner, instead just dessert. you ordered one of your favourite, coconut mochi coated in pink and green colours. it was one of the many lactose free desserts you enjoyed even if emma-chan always said it was completely gross. as for kei who had ordered a coke and pudding.

after the both of you had finished he pulled out a small box from his pocket, "i'm not sure if its your style or not considering you don't wear jewelry much but happy birthday" he said with one of his warm smiles, rare to see on him in public. you hesitated for a minute, before reaching for the box in his hand.

woah, the only word you could think of subconsciously.

it was gorgeous, a small silver bracelet with a long bulk on it, it wasn't huge but just right, engraved with your full name on it in cursive writing. truly, kei managed to surprise you with the perfect birthday present you could ask for, happiness.

"i love it" you said happily putting it onto your wrist, it fit perfectly. you stood up and gave your older brother a hug, and he did the same. you had missed him a lot recently since he was caught up in THAT gang, but right now he was with you, your brother who you knew and loved. was here celebrating your birthday with you. it was so calm and nice.

"i'm glad you do" he said with a small chuckle.

"happy birthday." the words fell from his mouth, calmly and kindly. ★

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