Chapter 2 - The party

Start from the beginning

I decide to take a break and ask Vic for a cigarette. She gives me one but remains inside while I walk outside by myself. 

There are people everywhere, everyone is having fun, laughing, speaking with each other, dancing, kissing... I light my cigarette with my lighter and lean on the wall of the house. The sun is setting and it's an amazing image. Guess what? I'm also making memories after all.I take a drag from my cigarette and look at a couple that is kissing near the pool. My stomach sinks a little. I wish I had someone to kiss like that. Instead I'm holding a cigarette to my lips. 

"It gets lonely quickly right?" - I look towards my right to see the source of that raspy male voice. 

 Damiano. Of course. He nods towards the couple in order for me to understand what his sentence meant. He is also smoking. His hair his down in soft curls. It looks even hotter that way.

His chocolate eyes are fixated on my eyes waiting for a reply. 

"It's always lonely" - I reply with a snort. 

He looks confused. He is standing beside me. I don't feel that cocky attitude from him anymore, making him almost bearable. The couple continues to kiss. How are they not suffocating I don't know. 

"You don't have a boyfriend back home?" - he asks and takes a huge drag from his cigarette. He blows the smoke to the other side so it doesn't hit me in the face directly. Maybe he is not that bad. 

"Nah. I did that once and it wasn't nice" - I admit. I'm surprised with myself for sharing that. 

My first relationship was awful. He was unfaithful to me, more than once. And I kept on accepting his apologies. It was dumb. 

He nods as if he completely understand everything although I just told a little bit of the story. We stand in silence. His cigarette ends, but he stands looking at the couple with me. We look like two stalkers honestly. The couple is now laughing away, looking cute. 

"You want a drag?" - I ask him pointing to my cigarette. For me that's something super normal to do, I always share my cigarettes. He nods and takes it from my hand, brushing his fingers quickly on mine. I take a deep breath trying to control my emotions. It's really easy to fall for the hot guy that's also an annoying prick but cute at the same time. He gives me back the cigarette. 

"I'm surprised a girl like you it's not dating anyone." - he says honestly. I'm surprised by his sentence. 

"A girl like me?" - I question while taking a look at his face. He is already looking at me. 

"Yes, hot and cold." - he answers with a smile. I raise my eyebrow in confusion although my heart skips a beat when he says hot. 

This is very bad for you Coraline... walk away now.... 

"I mean, you are very attractive, but at the same time you are calm and collected." - he adds. I blush. God, he is calling me attractive...I breath and look away. I can feel him smirking. 

"Thank you, but honestly, you don't know me" - I answer quickly.It's the truth. 

"But I can't wait to" - he answers quickly and smiles. I don't know how to respond, and he seems to understand that because he goes inside the house and leaves me stunned leaning on the wall.I'm certainly blushing harder, he wants to get to know me? Wow... I'm getting myself into deep shit. 

I finish my cigarette and look back at the couple that is now fighting loudly with each other. I can't really understand what they are fighting about because they are speaking in Italian very quickly, but it's heated. Well, everything has its bad side. 

I walk inside and keep dancing with Vic. 


I have made some breaks to drink and smoke, but I have been dancing all night long. I'm sweaty and my red hair is all over the place. I look at my reflection quickly and adjust my dress. I look good even all sweaty. My nose ring stands out in my pale face that looks a little redder now. 

I haven't seen Damiano the rest of the night. 

I go back to dancing and all of the sudden a blonde guy starts dancing with me. I don't mind, he is actually cute. We dance a little and he pulls me towards him by the waist. My alarms start going off. But I'm a little bit drunk and I let it happen. All of the sudden, the blonde guy decides it's good idea to put his hand on my ass, bellow my dress. That's a no for me.I try and grab his hand to take it off but he is persistent and grabs my ass roughly while pulling me closer to him.

Ok, now I'm really uncomfortable. I ask him to let me go, but he doesn't seem to care and tries to kiss my neck while still grabbing my ass. I look around trying to see any of the guys or Vic, but nothing. I'm starting to get really worried, when all of the sudden someone pulls me by the waist away from the blonde guy. Next thing I know, the blonde guy is on the floor with a broke nose.

Everything happens quickly, and people grab the blonde guy and throw him outside. The person that grabbed me earlier grabs my hands and pulls me upstairs. I'm so drunk that I can't even see who is it. We walk in the bathroom and it's when my vision stabilises: 

"Are you insane??? You can't just go around and dance with every guy. That was prone to happen Coraline" 

Damiano. Oh fuck me. He is so angry. I sit on the bathroom floor. It's cold against my legs which feels nice after dancing so much. I look up at him and he is looking soooo mad. His face is all red and his hands are in fists, that's when I see that his left hand is all bloody. Even drunk as fuck, I stand up quickly and grab his hand. 

"Oh my god, what happened?" - I ask dumbly.He snorts. 

"What do you think? I punched the guy that was grabbing your ass." - he spits angrily.He is so close to me that I see that he has a nose ring. I smile at that. 

"TWINS!" - I scream in his face happily, while still holding his bloody hand which I have seem to have forgotten... He looks really confused and then laughs.I'm so drunk...

"What?" - he asks me smiling, his anger seems to be gone. I'm still holding his hand but I manage to touch his nose ring with the other. 

"You have a nose ring like me" - I say cheekily while touching it. He takes my hand away with his right hand while laughing to himself. 

"You are so drunk... I'm not even mad anymore" - he admits quietly. I'm still holding his left hand and now he his holding mine and looking at me in a very serious manner. I feel an urge to kiss him, but then I feel something drip onto my hand. Blood. 

"Oh my god you are bleeding" - I repeat. I'm so so so drunk...He laughs and nods not even bothering to explain everything again. I take my other hand from his grip and help him wash the bloody knuckles and take care of it. He sits quietly on the floor of the bathroom while I put a bandaid to his knuckles. Somehow his hand looks bruised from before, like this happens a lot...

Once I'm done, I sit down next to him on the bathroom floor. He looks at me curiously: 

"You look hot" - I say without thinking twice. 

Jesus Christ, I'm never drinking again. 

He laughs and bends over from laughing so hard. He obviously knows I'm saying this because I'm drunk. I smile back. 

"Well thank you, amore" - he says. I shiver from the nickname. Did he just say amore? Oh my god, this guy is unbelievable...I stare at him, I wanna kiss him really bad but I'm drunk. 

He looks down still laughing to himself. I scoot over closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder. He doesn't make a move. Which means he is okay with this. I breath out In content. He smells so nice. He scoots closer so our legs are touching, and puts his left hand with the bandaid on in my right thigh. It just stays there, just a gesture. But makes my heart speed up. 

Coraline run for your life...

I put my right hand on top of his, still with my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes.I'm so drunk... what time is it anyway? My eyes feel heavy and I fall asleep on his shoulder. 

"Night, bella".


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