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Hello everyone, my name is Sara and I'm Portuguese. I want to make a small warning before you enjoy my writing:

-English is not my first language, which means you might find mistakes;

-This is a fan fiction focused more on Damiano, I decided to do it because, like everyone else in Europe, I'm obsessed with Mäneskin and their style;

-The story will have mature parts, so if you are not into that, please don't read this;

-It's my first time writing since a long time, so please bear with me;

-I have read other fan fictions with Damiano as the main character, I'm in no way copying those. I'm, of course, inspired by them;

-Remember this is fan fiction, not reality. This means what I write here is just a piece of my mind/imagination, and my perception of how the band members are. Their personalities can be totally different from what I describe;

-Please vote and comment whenever you feel like it, that will make me feel more motivated and confident about this.


Hot and coldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon