5. The corporate spy? Eddy

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They were just about to leave the meeting room to enter the workshop when Brett remembered the conversation he had with his father a week ago.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I do need to ask you not to take any photos or make any audiovisual recordings during the tour."


Eddy didn't even bat an eye.
"Oh, yes, sure.  Of course.  Caitlyn, did you hear that?  Mr Yang said no photos or recordings during the tour, okay?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Eddy, do you two have any recording devices in your bags today?"

Eddy looked at Brett.

"Well, my daughter and I each have a phone and I've also brought my compact digital camera. No audio recording devices."

Brett bit his lip.

He didn't want to press the point too much and make the whole thing unpleasant.  Was a verbal request of no recording enough like for his usual school student tours? Brett had remembered he hadn't left any specific instructions with his staff not to show their latest designs on the tour.  If he takes them into the workshop, they will get to see their latest stuff.  Brett's gut instinct told him that the visitors were genuinely interested in their company products without any malicious intent.  There was one thing that bothered Brett though.. how could he ask Eddy an awkward question that might annoy him?

He glanced towards Caitlyn who was busy peering into her goodie bag.

"Eddy... do you mind if I ask a question?"

"No, of course not.  What is it?"

"Aren't you actually a biomedical engineer?"


Caitlyn looked up from her goodie bag.

"Mr Yang, that's what I've been telling my Dad.  I wished he was.  I think he would be a good one."

Eddy smiled.

"Sweetheart, that's very sweet but I'm not qualified for that..."

"Eddy... I couldn't help wonder how a commercial vehicle designer would make a prosthetic..."

Eddy's eyes suddenly changed.  Brett saw the flare of what looked like anger flash in them as Eddy gave him a hard stare.

"...Mr Yang, that is simply because I love my daughter and when she told me that she wanted to ride a scooter I was driven to make it possible for her. Would that be a good enough reason to believe that I actually managed to do it?"

Brett bit his lip again.  He was aware that he had completely butchered the conversation since Eddy had reverted to addressing Brett as Mr Yang.... Brett had totally ruined the rapport he had built up with Eddy.

"I.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to doubt your ability to do it. I just have to take precautions if you come from the same industry as us...."

Eddy looked at Brett.

"...What?  Hang on, you thought I was some kind of ...like an industrial spy?"

"Eddy, I'm sorry.  I should've just asked you straight up for a bag inspection and leave your recording devices at reception during the tour like we usually ask our engineer visitors..."

Eddy burst out laughing.

"OMG I've been mistaken for a lot of things but this is a first..!!"

"I... I'm so sorry, I really didn't want you to think that I had insulted you, you have to believe me that I had no such intentions.."

"...Brett, I know you didn't.  Don't worry about it. I'm sorry I got all defensive. ...Hey, Caitlyn sweetheart, we're going to open our bags for inspection and take out our phones and my camera for Mr Yang to look after for us during the tour, okay?  It's just the condition of entry for the tour."

"Okay Daddy.  But why?"

"Oh, so they can protect their products.. so that other people can't copy their ideas and use them."

"But Daddy, you do it..."

Eddy interrupted Caitlyn;

"Caitlyn, c'mon it's quite common for companies to do this.  If they are kind enough to show us what they do, we need to follow their rules, okay?"

"Yes, Daddy."

Brett was relieved that Eddy's mood changed almost instantly when he found out that Brett thought he was an industrial spy.  It didn't make sense.  Eddy genuinely looked amused by it.  Brett was certain he witnessed a flash of anger in Eddy's eyes.  But then Eddy had happily obliged to the bag checks and leaving his recording devices at the reception desk.  So what exactly triggered him? 

But now, even more importantly, why did Caitlyn say;

"But Daddy, you do it..."

But Daddy, you do it... what ??!? Why did Eddy interrupt his daughter like that?  What was he trying to stop her from saying?

".... Caitlyn sweetheart, we're going to open our bags for inspection and take out our phones and my camera for Mr Yang to look after for us during the tour, okay?  It's just the condition of entry for the tour."

"Okay Daddy.  But why?"

"Oh, so they can protect their products.. so that other people can't copy their ideas and use them."

"But Daddy, you do it.."

Playing back the dialogue over and over in his head, Brett couldn't help but think it could only sound as if Eddy was all for other people coping ideas and using them.....

Brett was so confused.  But at least they were ready to start the tour with all recording devices removed from the guests and Brett was in particular, relieved that Eddy was calling him Brett again.

"Okay.  Well let's get started with the tour."

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