She's Got Me Captured

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Every time I see her,

I feel it’s just a fantasy.

Sense of conflict inside of me,

As far as the eye can see.

I only want to be with her.

She’s got me captured,

From the moment I kissed her.

Every time I hold her,

Attracts me like a magnet.

I tell you she’s got me captured.

Sparkles in her eyes, like fireworks in the night,

I feel as though I’ll say something inane.

Brighter than the moon,

You’re more precious than a work of art.

She’s got me captured,

From the moment I kissed her.

Every time I hold her,

I never want to let go.

Because she’s got me captured.

Nothing crosses my mind,

When I’m thinking of her,

Spacing out into her arms.

Celestial individual,

Qualities to be believed.

Maybe now I can embrace you,

Staring at your perfect view.

She’s got me captured,

From the moment I kissed her.

Every time I hold her,

I never want to let go.

Because she’s got me captured.

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