Four: Small Chat

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(A/N) I was thinking of turning this fanfic to total manga. What do you guys think?

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Later that day, the sulfa drugs was completed, the only way that may heal Ruri, the priestess of the village, Kohaku's sister, and Chrome's childhood crush. Senku definitely finished the antibiotic but he looked unsatisfied with something.

"Listen," he spoke, breaking the little celebration of Kohaku and the rest. "Even an antibiotic can't definitely crush all viruses. It also has its limitations. If Ruri's sickness is tuberculosis, we don't stand a chance right now."

The group has gloomed immediately. Senku's face has thousands of worries written on his face.

"Emergency! This is bad!" Suika cried, running straight to Senku to grasp his shirt. "Ruri-nee! Senku! Ruri-nee is..."

Gen and I can't step inside the village so we were left behind when Senku immediately rushed towards Ruri.

"Senku-chan is so kind, isn't he?" the guy beside me said, watching the group ran across the bridge. "Hotaru-chan, are you really okay with this? Don't you want Senku-chan with you?"

"What do you mean?" I chuckled, "Of course I want Senku. But you heard what he said, right? That he's not interested."

He started walking towards the lab. "I'm not so sure, but you may stand a chance on him, Hotaru-chan."

"Oh, shut up Gen." I laughed, following him to slam the back of his head. "Hotaru-chan, why don't you kick Senku-chan instead? He may come to his senses and love you."

I laughed out loud. "He'd definitely die if I dare to kick him." he scoffed, "Well yeah, you're a karate champ after all."

Upon sitting on the lab, Gen started scribbling something on the pile of paper on the table, probably some sort of diary to record the events happening.

"Is it okay for us to stay here longer, Gen?" I asked, staring at the random chemical left on the shelves. "Yeah, it's fine. I told them that the two of us will observe the village."

I hummed while I look at myself reflected on the glasses.

"If you're thinking of mixing those chemicals to play, don't do it." Gen said which slightly pissed me off because I was thinking of playing around a bit.

Well, still...

While Gen was busy babbling about his psychology book in this past, I'm secretly mixing stuffs behind, thinking that I may create a miracle perfume or something.

"Anyway, why don't you ask Senku to create a bag drill so you can train your karate?" he asked, still focused writing on the paper. "I spar with Kinro and Kohaku so I don't really need it," I replied "If you want you can spar with me now?"

He cleared his throat, "What kind of sparring, I wonder?"

A disgusted reaction painted on my face. "Gen, I shouldn't have forgotten you're also bit of a pervert. I'm not interested in you." He playfully laughed, "So mean~"

Ten minutes has passed and it's been silent between us. I've also wondering how long will he write when its only report of events. He's been writing there nonstop like mad author.

"Anyway what's up with your chemical cooking?" he asked to break the silence. "Oh, you noticed?" I asked with a shocked expression.

"Geez, obviously Hotaru-chan. The sound of liquid and glass touching each other is echoing this whole time." he chuckled, finally putting down the pen and shoving the paper away from him.

"Well then Senku-chan and the others shall be here soon." he stood up to check what on earth I'm doing. "I wonder what's that, Hotaru-chan?"

I nervously laughed, "I don't know either. But it smells like cola."

His eyes immediately widened. "Cola? Then go ahead and taste it." he smiled like a kid. "I'll die if this is not a cola!" I scoffed, slamming the stuff on the table.

While arguing who would taste what I randomly made, Senku entered the lab with a smirk. "Something good happened?" I asked while admiring his smiling face secretly.

"Ahh. The plan to defeat Ruri's sickness is a success."

"That's great Senku-chan. But can you check what this Cola-like Hotaru-chan made?" He didn't even gave a hell on Ruri but went ahead to tell him about the cola? This Gen really.

"Hm? Well that's cola." Senku replied, not even bothering to check it. "Are you sure this is cola?" I questioned, looking at the glass on my hand suspiciously. "That is ten billion percent cola. Can't you tell by looking at it? In the first place you made it, so you must know it's cola."

I looked away, "Yeah, well I was just playing around and made this thing that smelled like cola."

He laughed. "Well go ahead and drink it. That's about one liter you have." he walked somewhere around and stored the antibiotic. "Now that Ruri will be one billion percent healed, I'll have this village on my hands." he emitted a bad aura around him while having an evil look on his face.

I chuckled.

"Anyway Senku-chan, where are Kohaku and the others?" Gen asked, handing him a cup of cola from what I experimented. "Oh, Kohaku went to haul water for Ruri's bath," he took the cola and sipped, "Kinro and Ginro went to their post, Suika helped with taking care of Ruri, and Chrome... well he's probably out there collecting rocks."

"You're surprisingly relaxed, Senku-chan." Gen sweatdropped.

"Anyway Hotaru, did you ever spar with Tsukasa?" he asked. "Yeah, I did."

"How was it?"

"He's stronger than me, but I could land critical attacks on him. If we're going to spar seriously one on one, I will lose but he will deal great damage." I replied, remembering the time that I tried to crack his neck, thinking that he shall feel the same pain as Senku had gone through.

Gen smirked, "The strongest primate high schooler versus Japan karate champion huh?"

"Of course I would lose, this is Tsukasa we're talking about. He also was Japan's MMA champion. His name was also famous on karate society." I shook my head. My master once contacted the higher ups to have him join the karate community but I heard he rejected it because apparently, MMA community pays greater money.

I sighed. "Seems Tsukasa really is famous, isn't he?"

"What, what? Do you like Tsukasa, Hotaru-chan?" Gen teased while pointing his lips on Senku. An irk mark popped on my forehead. "Of course not! It's just, he's so strong that every martial art community wants to have him on their side."

Senku laughed as he stepped outside. "But we have a karate champion on our side, isn't it? If you can't take down Tsukasa, you can take down the rest of them and I'll take care of Tsukasa for you."


"What the hell are you talking about, you twig? You can't even lift a bucket of water." I smacked his back, trying to stop myself from blushing. I told him that I dont like him anymore so I need to act like it.

He chuckled, removing my hand from his back. "Don't be stupid, I'm a scientist so I'll fight him my own way."

Yeah I know. You're the stupid scientist that I fell in love with.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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