Danae Overdoses after finding The King is her biological father

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"Um, what?" Danae said confused.

"This isn't the place to be messing with us please just leave." Lydia said trying to calm down

"I'm not lying Hammer..now Danae don't you want to come home with me now?" The king said attempting to caress Danae's hair

"No you're not my dad don't fucking touch me!! You abandoned my mom and neglected me..you're nothing" Danae said now in angry tears

"I don't believe He gave you a choice Dee.." Laser said glaring as she held a laser in Danae's face as the king grabbed Danae's arm

"No let go!!" Danae cried fighting

"Lyd-Lydia!" Danae yelled

"She said she didn't want to Get your hands off my sister!!" Lydia said as she shoved them both off as Danae just cried grabbing onto her immediately after

"Danae..don't be like this" the king said still grabbing her arm as Danae just turned away holding on tighter to Lydia

"I am her sister and she is the only one that's been here for me. Maybe if you stuck around things would be different!" Danae said angrily

"She's only your half sister so 50% but I am 100% your dad" The king said manipulatively

"Bloodline Doesn't matter you were there 0% of the time while Lydia basically has watched me grow up and helped mom raise me since I was baby..she stepped up knowing you were cowardly enough to just ditch our mom..I don't know why you cared enough to show up..please just pay respects to her and leave me alone" Danae sobbed

"Your mom was a bitch and your just like her! Both of you!" The king said trying to get to them

"You are a fucking monster!" Lydia said now super heated she would have jumped him if it weren't for Danae holding onto her. The funeral workers immediately escorted the king and laser out immediately as Danae just cried shaken up by the whole ordeal even more terrified of the king then she already was.

"Don't let him take me Lydia..please" Danae cried

"I won't honey. He's a miscreant the only reason he wants you is to hurt me." Lydia explained

"Out of all the people that could have been my father why him?!!" Danae cried

"I know he is a cruel cruel man." Lydia said holding her tightly.

Danae just curled up against Lydia just wailing in pain she already had enough on her plate grieving her mom and coming to terms with her sexuality and having her dead beat dad end up being a miscreant.

"I know, it's been a lot." Lydia said comfortingly

"Please just promise me Lydia don't let him near me I just don't wanna go out in public alone or sleep alone with that man stalking me" Danae said

"You know I will sweetheart you're safe with me.." Lydia said As Danae nodded just hugging her sister and whimpering

"I'll call my security team and get more of my guys for our building." Emily said trying to help

"Thanks Emily" Danae said wiping her eyes

"Ofc sweetie. He is a very scary man." Emily said

Later on Danae made her way to the kitchen to pull out a tequila bottle to pour over ice ready to get blackout drunk hopping to not remember The King was her father. An hour went by Lydia walks in to get a beer only to see Danae on the floor not realizing the bottle of tequila and jumping to the worst possible conclusion.

"Oh god Danae..you know you shouldn't drink that much when upset honey.." Lydia began thinking she was just slightly passed out as she had it happen to her before but once she spotted the drug needles she began to panic realizing Danae had been hiding a serious issue

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