Baby, Please Don't Go

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry," I say, my voice suddenly sounding like a stranger's even to my own ears, "I'm so sorry."

She just sobs harder, and I suddenly feel so tired. I just want to go to sleep. I just want to lie down. I'm tired of it all; the danger, the constantly worrying if my friends will survive, the pain of losing someone. I just want away. I just want to lie down.


"Boom; another. Bam! Look at me go. I am unstoppable!"

I ride my skateboard beside Max, who rolls her eyes as I do Ollie after Ollie, clad in my padding and helmet.

"Great, you can do an Ollie," she says sarcastically, "AKA the easiest trick ever. It only took you, what, a year?"

"Boom! Another one!" I exclaim, ignoring her as I clear a stick that lies on the road.

"Try learning some harder tricks, maybe."

"Nah," I say, doing yet another Ollie, "I look cool just doing this."

"Please, Liz." She picks up her own board as the pavement melts into a gravel road. I hop off mine and grab it as well, "there's no way you can look cool while wearing that, no matter what tricks you know."

I shrug, "Agree to disagree."

She sighs, and I take off my helmet as we fall into step next to each other, seeing Will's house in the distance. She glances at me.

"So . . . Steve doesn't have another job yet?" She asks, and my gaze falls to the ground.

"He's trying," I say, "although his reference list is a little pathetic. I'm sure he'll get something."

"It's just . . ." She hesitates, "you know . . . living with no power or water is a little—"

"I told you that we're doing just fine," I snap at her, and she puts her hands up in surrender.

Three months ago, when Steve and I returned home, our mother wasn't there. In fact, no one was there; the house was silent. So Steve and I did what anyone would do in our situation: we lived on our own. It was going fine, of course, until the bills started stacking up, and we couldn't pay them. So yes, we're living with no water, or power, or heat. But we're living happier than we ever have been. And Steve will get another job soon. It'll be fine.

Max doesn't say anything more about it. All of my friends have tried to reason with me, but I won't have it. I'm doing just fine, and there's no way in hell I'm calling my mom to tell her otherwise.

We get to the house, and Lucas opens the door, Dustin at his side. They both grin.


"My two favourite nut jobs," I say, passing beside them.

"Nice elbow pads."

"Get bent, Henderson."

I strip off my gear and leave it by the door, staring at the house and how empty it looks.

"Wow," I comment, "you guys have really cleared this place out."

"Yep," comes Will's voice as he appears in the living room doorway, "just a couple more things to sort through."

"Well." I clap my hands together, "No time like the present."

Will tells us where to go, and soon Dustin and I are sorting through old toys while Max and Lucas tackle books.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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