He put a finger on his mouth, hushing her, went near her ear and whispered.

«You seem nervous, are you scared?».

«A-A bit».

«Oh..» He whispered smiling. Then he pointed his hand «Hold my hand, it will make you feel better».


«H-O-L-D I-T» He spelled «Hold it».

She grabbed it and blushed.

He felt her hand warm and sweaty at the same time, it didn't feel bad for him, it was kinda relaxing

Miu, on the other hand, was a lot worried of that. She made every effort to avoid any embarrassing situation but she failed. She felt better after they hold their hands, she felt like he was indirectly protecting her.

She squeezed his hand quite a bit during the movie, especially during the scary parts.

«The movie is over» Said Sota seeing the lights tuning on.

«I didn't like it, I thought it was better from the trailer» Miu said.

«Me too me too .. usually the trailers are made up to making the movie looks better so it's quite normal». Sota replied to her.

«I-I'm sorry. It was my fault, I chose this movie».

«Oh come on Miu-san that's not your fault. Plus our date isn't over yet. Let's go to eat».

She nodded.

«Ehm...» Sota was scratching his head «Do you still want to hold hands...».

She didn't notice that they were still holding hands.

«I-I'M SORRY» She immediately left his hand and covered his face.

«T-that's not a big deal» Sota said «If you want we can still continue when we will get outside».

They exited from the cinema.

«I didn't like the movie but that scene with the murderer was really good» Sota said while walking side by side with Miu.

«You mean the scene where he kills the girl of the main character? Or the one at the end of the movie? I liked them both» Miu replied.

«Oh that's right, that scene at the end was really good too. I liked how they portrayed the-».

Sota was interrupted by Miu stomach growls, he stared at Miu and saw her blushing.

«I-I'm sorry, t-this is s-».

«No need to be sorry» Sora said «Look, we can have dinner there».

He pointed a small fast food restaurant right behind the corner.

«Are you okay with it?» He asked her «Or would you like something different?»

«N-no that's fine by me».

The two of them ordered a cola and a hamburger.

«Ah~» Sota was eating his burger fastly «I was starving~».

Miu on the other hand was really slow.

«You don't like it?» Sota asked her.

«N-no it's not like that. It's just...» She took a deep breath «This is my first date. I expected it to be way different».

"Oh no, I fucked up" Sota thought.

«I'm sorry if you expected something better but-».

«No no I wouldn't say better» Miu tried to clarify «It's just I thought you would've tried to take advantage of me... Or something like that».

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