I Think I Love You

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It had been a few days since Andy had gone to apartment 4A. Not due to a lack of interest or embarrassment. She just…didn't know what to say or do. It was quite obvious now, however, what she wanted.

Andy reached the door of apartment 4A and stood looking at the number and letter, unsure of what to do. She raised a hand, gripping her shirt with her free hand until her knuckles turned white. Her hand had barely touched the door before it flew open, startling her as Sheldon stood wide eyed, staring down at her.

"A-Andy. Do you know what time it is?"

"Well, yeah. But, um…can I…mind if I...come in?"

“Of course I mind. It's 3 in the morning.”

And with that, she pulls him out in the hall and puts a finger to her lips, telling him to 'shh.'

“I don't understand you. One, why are we out in the hall talking in hushed voices when I have a perfectly good apartment right on the other side of the door. Two, you haven't spoken to me for days and you live a stair well away.”

She wonders if he's hurt. Oh no please don't be hurt. God, Andy, you're such a bad person, she tells herself.

“I...are you...I didn't know you wanted me to. Why didn't you come see me?” Andy replied shakily.

“Because,” he began matter-of-factly, “you should be the one to come see me. I'm the genius physicist that made love to a girl that doesn't even have a PhD.” He tried to put on a confident facade, but there was no way to notice his unsure tone while saying the words 'made love.'

“You're really mean, Sheldon, do you know that?”

“You're the one despicable one for ignoring me for days...I thought I'd done something wrong.”

He is hurt. Dammit, Andy. She immediately softened her tone.

“No, of course not, Sheldon. I was just nervous, I guess. I'm not all that good with feelings and explaining them, you know?”

“No I don't know. You seem to be good enough at coitus and attracting a mate for it. I personally don't see what is such a big deal..”

“Sheldon,” Andy interrupts him, “I think I love you.”

He stares down at her, head cocked to the side, fidgeting at his thumbs. “Well...why would you think that?”

Andy, feeling completely dumbfounded for being so bold at 3 in the morning decides to reply with, “because.”

“Well that isn't a logical explanation. Tell me, what feelings do you have that would make you think you're in love? And how do you feel about that?”

“I'm supposed to be the psychologist here, Dr. Cooper.”

“Yes, but I have a PhD.”

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