Oh no.

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So, this is it. The bell has gone. The classes are empty. It's time for everyone to go home and get ready for what's probably going to be the best night of their childhoods. It will be the exact opposite for me. I'm not even sure if there's any point me going, sat there playing flappy bird till my phone is punched out my hand.
I trudge to the bus and find my seat as always. I reach for my phone and yank it towards me using the already attached headphones. I unlock it and open music. Everything gone. Everything. They've done it again. Hacked my iCloud and deleted everything. This is gonna be a very boring bus drive home. Do I sleep? Or at least attempt to? No, not with everyone else here, God knows what they could do to me. I've just got to suck it up and wait it out.
45 minutes later I finally get off the bus, relieved to find my parents aren't home. I clench my blazer pocket to check for my keys. They're not there. Immediately I receive a text from Jake of him throwing them down a drain. Great. No music. No keys. No date.

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