Day 10

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Dream wake up to George movement "wake up honey" George was sitting on Dream hips

Dream rub his eyes and put his hands behind his head "good morning Georgie" George blushed from what Dream said "what do we usually do when we wake up" Dream pull George head down to his chest "we lay down for a bit then got get something to eat" Dream said

George rolled his eyes knowing he was lying but continue acting "ok I love you" George kiss Dream chest "I love you too" Dream kiss George head George scoff

"What was that George" George looked up and Dream "oh nothing babe" George looked back down and rolled eyes "Dream" George said "yeah George" the blonde asked "have we done it before" Dream chocked on his saliva

"No you wanted to wait till marriage" George rolled his eyes and got up "let's do it then" Dream gets up "no" George looked at him with a bitch face

"Don't give me that face" George cock his head "well your obviously lying because one look at your stomach and two look at my neck" Dream try and hold his laugh back "I don't care my sister here"

"I don't care let's kick her out" Dream raise one of his eyebrows "no" then he lays back down and that gave George an idea

George starts off by rubbing up and down Dream crotch "George" Dream said "what" Dream open his eyes "stop" George smile at him and continue "no" Dream put his hand up "if you don't stop I'm going to tickle you" George rolled his eyes and went faster , Dream groan from George movement and started ticking him but that just made it worse

George starts bouncing up and down "George stop" Dream raised his voice up a bit , George looked at him with a sad face "what why did you yell at me Dream" George eyes start tearing up "no your not going to play that with me get off" Dream push George off and walked out side

George scoff once Dream left and wipe his fake tears "you can play that shit with me" George hears the door opening

He lays down and put the covers over him "hey George I'm sorry I was a little harsh" Dream gets back in bed with him , all he hears are sniff from George "come here" George doesn't move a bit

"Come on Georgie" George pulls the cover off his head and look Dream up and down with an bitch face "no" he roll his eyes

He gets out the bed and the sweater ends right at his thighs , Dream sigh and gets up and hug George from behind

George stop and turn to look at Dream "did I say you can touch me" Dream smirked and pick up George "no but I did now stop being mad at me because I wouldn't fuck you" George look at him in the eye "put me down asshole" Dream start walking to the door

"I said put me down" then George hit Dream in the neck "ow what the fuck" George walked out the door and see drista in the living siting on the couch "I said put me down asshole" George take a seat next to drista

"Is everything ok" she asks "yeah did you wnat anything to eat" she smiles and nod "ok DREAM" Dream comes into the living room "what" George gave him a little smile "we're hungry" George said in a soft voice

Dream sighs and look at drista "is there a problem" George ask "no let's just go" George look down at himself "give me a second" he runs to his room and not even a minute later comes out with the same sweater and a skirt

"Go change" Dream said "no" Dream looked at him "yes" George just stared at him "Go Now" Dream said raising his voice , George rolled his eyes "your not my dad"

"George Davison Go Change Your Clothes Right Now" George groan "can y'all stop arguing, Dream it's fine if he wears that and George he kinda is like your dad"

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