Part 2 Day 9

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They were driving listening to music when George started talking "Dream your a YouTube or something right"

"Yeah why" Dream asked

"Do you have merch"

"Yeah why"

"How come I don't have one"

"Do you want some"


"Ok we can stop by the storage so I can get you some"

"Ok love you" George smiled to himself

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They get to Dream mom house and step out the car "ready" Dream said looking at George "yeah" then George loop his fingers with dreams and they started walking to the house they knocking the door and a 30-40 woman open the door "honey I miss you"

"Is this your mom" George eyes widened "yeah George why" George just stared at her "she so young no offense" Dream wave his hand over George face "stop staring I know she beautiful" Dream mom smiled

"Come in please" they walk in and she close the door behind them "so George , love the skirt" George started blushing hard "your son say you insist I wear it"

Then they sat on the couch "yes I did I actually bought it for you , did you get the flowers too" Dream smiled at him "yes I did thanks so much"

"No thank you my son here been single far to long" George try his best not to smile, while Dream looked at his mom in the kitchen "really mom"

"So clay honey your dad at work so can you please be the kindest and go get your sister for dinner" Dream got up from the couch "you stay here and talk to my mom" he whispered to George and then went upstairs

"So how has your day been" George looked back at Dream mom "it was very nice and even better I get to met you" Dream mom started walking the the living

"How did you and dream met" George looked at her "we we're roommates" his mom look him up and down "I'm guessing you guys slept together and that how this happened baby don't worry he'll be done with you in a month" She pointed up and down George

"What do you mean this and what do you mean a month" George asked , then Dream and his sister came "we're back"his mom smiled "ok let have dinner" George looked at her like wtf and rolled his eyes , Dream looked at her "mom we'll be there in a sec, George come here" George looked at him and walked over to him

"Yes Dream" Dream looked down at him "is there something wrong" "I saw the way you looked at my mom when I came back" George looked at him "wnat to know the truth I think your mom is homophobic"

"GEORGE why would you say that" George rolled his eyes "probably because when you were gone she said I was just a play thing to you and because see said in the exact words "I'm guessing you guys slept together and that how this happened baby don't worry he'll be done with you in a month" then when I asked her what that mean you guys came and she ignored me"

"Wait are you telling me the truth" George sigh "you don't believe do you" Dream didn't know what the believe "no I do but" George cut him off "but what" Dream was speechless "of course" George rolled his eyes "wait" Dream garb George shoulder "I do believe oh and thanks for telling me" Dream gave him a kiss

George started blushing "thanks now let go eat" George started walking until Dream garb his hands , George looked at him but he just continue walking and smiled at George

They get in the dining room and Dream mom was looking at them "let eat" Dream said and took a set George took the one next to Dream and his sister

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