Chapter 1

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My depresstion started when my dad left me and my mom. I always thought it was my fault. My mom would drink and come and abuse me. It was awhile till my mom found someone to make her happy, and I thought thats when all my depression would stop, but guess again? It didn't it got worse her and now my so called "Step Dad" abuse me. They both would make me almost commit suicide. It's that bad. Try having people that are supossed to love you hate you. This one day I was laying down after I cleaned literally the whole house, and next thing I know I'm being yelled at by my mom.

"JESSICA WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!" she yelled and I was completely confused like what?

"what is what?" I say calmly but confused. She pulled me to the kitchen and pointed to the sink. OMG THERE IS ONE FUCKING SPOON IN THERE HOW STUPID IS SHE.

"THIS" she said "I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN THE WHOLE HOUSE AND YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME" she said while grabbing my hair and slamming me to the floor then she walked away still yelling but I could barely hear her because I was crying so hard.

It's hard when no one cares for you. I got up and ran to my room and shut the door I got in bed and started to think.

"Why am i need to need to grow up...your so stupid...your so ugly...why are you even living...go cut yourself bitch..."

I thought... Why does this keep happening to me.

Its been month since all that, and I think my so called parents are thinking about disowning me as there child to go live like animals. Your asking how i know this arent you. Well I'll tell u. So I was in my room, and I was thirsty so I got up to go get a bottle of water. On my way back I heard them talking and curiosity took over me and I was listening to them and almost breaking down crying cuz the stuff they were saying about me you don't want to know what they said but one thing caught me they said I say in quote

"let's get rid of that little ugly fat annoying slut and drop her off so we can act like teenagers again"

I just ran to my room and broke down in front of the door. I knew they didn't love me no one will ever love me. So why don't I just make it easier for everyone and kill myself.

Cliff hanger lol sorry
so what will happen next? Will she kill herself or something big and exciding happen?
Chapter 2????

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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