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IT HAPPENED WHEN THEY WERE a few minutes into some stupid movie about two people falling in love that Calum picked. He was sitting there, on Luke’s bed, not really paying much attention. He kept on glancing out the corner of his eye, watching the other subtly. He felt a little awkward with them not speaking, but didn’t want to bring it up because that might’ve made it even more awkward.

Deciding he shouldn’t even hide that fact that he was staring, he turned to face the red-headed boy. Michael was spaced out, so he didn’t really notice. The kiwi stared at him for a long time. He watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down, and his eyes watch the screen curiously. For some reason, his mind took a turn for the worst and imagined Michael watching him like he was watching the screen. His conscience was telling him to think of Dani, but he was angry at Dani.

Michael turned to face the rich boy after about half an hour who seemed to be looking at him with his cheeks flushed. He raised an eyebrow, “Why are you staring at me?”

“Uh . . . Your-Your hair!” he exclaimed, pointing at it. “It’s just so different.”

“My hair turned you on?” the boy’s eyes flickered to the tanned boy’s jeans.

“What?” the rich boy furrowed his eyebrows.

“Dude, okay, could you just look at yourself for a minute?” hesitantly, the boy looked down, seeing the problem.

“Oh my god.” He got up, covering himself a little. “I’m going to go. T-Tell the guys that I’ll – “

“Tell us what?”

Fuck. Things couldn’t get more awkward for Calum if he tried. He pulled his jumper down, shifting uncomfortably. One hand was used to keep the jumper down, and the other was used to cover his blushing face. He looked at the two guys who had been gone for at least two hours. He smiled innocently, trying to push past them, but they blocked him like a brick wall and shoved him onto the bed. 

“H-Hey, guys.”

“You’ve got a boner, don’t you?” Ashton asked.

There was no escaping it now, and he knew it. But still, he tried to avoid the question. “Can I go? I need to . . . Dani . . .” his heart was pounding in his chest, and he was almost burning of humiliation. He just needed to get out. So he did as fast as he could. He jumped into his car and made his way to Dani’s house. He really didn’t want to want to wank in the car, so she was his best option. He knew she would be there. She was always there.

He knocked on the door of the very expensive house that was much like his, tugging his jumper down still. “Calum, hi.” Dani looked a little shocked to see him. “I’m sorry about – “

“Sorry, sorry, no time for talking, will you please fuck me?”   

Looking past his rudeness, Dani pulled him inside, immediately kissing him. It was weird, but he didn’t feel anything like he used to. He just felt lips and a tongue. Even when she took her clothes off, he didn’t really feel a thing. He didn’t get harder or moan like he used to, he just kinda stared. When he thrust into her, the only thing that really got him off was the fact that they could get caught because her parents were just upstairs and they were fucking on the couch. He knew she knew it too.

He felt really bad for his girlfriend. All he ever did with her was fuck and talk when he was drunk. They never hung out or did cute things and he knew that she wanted that. He wanted it too, but he never really imagined doing it with her. Out of desperation to make the stupid relationship work, he turned to her once fully-clothed.

“Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?”

“A date?” Dani’s mouth hung open. She’d never been on a date with him before. “Where to?”

Rich Bitch // malum & lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now