If Only John Cena Was Here

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Jin laughed as they left the meeting hall.

"It was just a scrape Namjoon," he said. "No need to be so worried."

"I am still worried," Namjoon said seriously. "What if something worse had happened?"


"Don't worry." Namjoon squeezed Jin's hand. "I'm sure that things will change for the better now."

"With how scary and intimidating you looked while talking, they would have to be idiots if they didn't do anything," Jimin said. "I'm sure something will change this time around."

"I hope so," Namjoon said.

"Me too," Jin said. "It's not fun being scraped like that."


The next time they had to go somewhere together, Namjoon was strangely optimistic. He really had hopes that things had changed. He had noticed many people had been having meetings and talks and he had hoped that it was about the issue that he had brought up.

Unfortunately, his hopes crashed faster than Yoongi's energy levels. The bodyguard situation was just as bad as before. Half the time, they weren't there and when they were, they hardly did anything other than stand around and look pretty. The others looked scared. Namjoon was sure he did as well.


"I'm sorry," Namjoon mumbled as he settled beside Jimin for their flight. They were heading to Tokyo for two days. Namjoon was already dreading landing at the airport. "I thought things were going to be better this time around."

"Oh, don't worry," Jimin said kindly, patting his knee. "It wasn't your fault that they didn't listen. We'll have to hire somebody ourselves or... I don't know, figure something out."

"Did anybody get hurt?"

"I don't think so, no." Jimin shook his head.

Namjoon sighed. He shoved his bag underneath the seat in front of him. Leaning into his seat, he closed his eyes.

"I'll think of something, don't you guys worry. I won't let you guys go through this every time we go-"

"We'll think of something together," Jimin said firmly. "Don't try to take this all onto your shoulders. I can help you."


Jimin grabbed Namjoon's hand and held on tight. Jungkook smirked at them from across the aisle. Jimin smirked back. Namjoon didn't notice. He was tired, exhausted, and embarrassed. Why hadn't anybody listened to him? Didn't they care about safety? Or did they think that he had just been overreacting?

Or had he just been overreacting...? Namjoon couldn't tell. He just wanted to sleep.


Tokyo went by uneventfully. They landed at the airport, struggled with people, filmed their content, and hopped on a plane back to Korea soon enough. Namjoon was tempted to spend the entire time grumbling, but he kept a straight face for everybody else.

He thought about the trip while sitting in the plane headed for Seoul. Jin was beside him, reading a book. Yoongi and Hoseok were across the aisle. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung were behind.

"Is the book good?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, kind of," Jin said. "I don't know what some of these big words mean so I'm having some trouble understanding everything, but you know, I'm managing."

Namjoon forced a laugh. "Such a mood."

Jin sighed, shaking his head. "You sound like my brother."

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