06: Castiel's Choice

Start from the beginning

"You wanna sit?" I offer.

Castiel shakes his head. "I'm fine standing."

I turn towards the bed, instead. I take my shoes off, leaving them beside the nightstand. "What did you wanna talk to me about, Castiel? The competition... "

Castiel moves forward a little. "By now every girl knows that I've harbored some feelings for Harley. She's a sweet girl, innocent. I like her a lot. I want to chose her. But I also have to think about what my parents are expecting from me. They want someone fit to run this kingdom. Harley has no backbone." I bet she will when she finds out about - "They've narrowed my choices down for me."

"Am I one of those choices?" I whispered. It was barely a whisper. But I know Castiel heard it.

Castiel nods. "You, Jasmine, Karina, Cecilia." He turns away. "I want to save one of you from eternal damnation. After all, pride is one of the worst sins to be punished for. But then again, Harley - it's so sick that I like the goodness in her. I've never been surrounded by good people. I don't want to corrupt that goodness. I want Harley to lead with me. But she's too delicate. She's bound for heavenly paradise no matter what."

"So, who will you choose?"

Castiel shakes his head. "I-I honesty don't know . . . I haven't been alone with you since that first night."

That first night Castiel tried to kiss me, and I punched him in the face. His black eye has long since healed. But his delicate ego hasn't. "I know." I whisper.

Make him fall for you, Ariel. Save yourself. Save Xavier.

That was a selfish thought. But it was a realistic thought. It's what the other girls wanted, too. No. No. They wanted me to act as the distraction. Not the desire.

"You know what I think?"

Castiel didn't meet my eyes. "That I'm a coward for coming to you with my problems?"

"Not at all." I shake my head. Now, Castiel looks at me. "Choose Harley. Choose the girl your heart wants, not the girl your parents want."

He smiles. "And damn you to punishment? They were right. You're brave as hell, I'll give you that, Ariel. But bravery isn't quite enough to run this kingdom, either; and what if my heart is caught between two of you?"

I froze. Two? I crossed my fingers, and sincerely hoped Castiel did not mean he was lovesick for Jasmine or Karina. And then, that's when it hit me. He meant me. Those eyes held a sense of mischief. He meant me. "Me?"

"Starting tomorrow, I'd like to spend a bit more time with you. I'd like to spend a bit more time with each contestant before making my choice. Sound good?"

I feel my cheeks getting red. I don't know why. The thought of ditching Xavier for Castiel was sickening. "Of course."

"Great," he says, starting awkwardly for the door. I could tell his heart wasn't in it. His parents were making him do this. "And one more thing - " he stood with his arms crossed against my doorway as he let himself out. "Might want to stay away from that servant friend of yours. I don't know what's going on between you two, but it stops today."

"You're trying to tell me a girl can't have friends?" I rose an eyebrow.

Castiel frowns. "Heed this warning carefully, Ariel. Get any closer, Ariel, and my parents will take action, if you know what I mean. His punishments are harsh enough already without you in the mix."

"Wait." I object.

I follow Castiel out, and grab his hand. "Why can't any of us stay on as servants at the end of the competition?"

Castiel actually laughs. "Oh, I'll be sure to put in a good word for you. You'd make excellent help as a bath attendant."

Castiel's laugh echo down the corridor.

That night, I lay swaddled in my bed. The screams were much more closer at night. I couldn't sleep. All the while, I thought about Xavier.

I thought about Seraphina.

She didn't deserve that. Neither did Levi. Only murderers and the like deserved Tartarus. But Levi? He'd be eaten alive down there, especially without his fiancé to save him. I almost felt bad for them.

And if I were to tell Hades about Xavier and I, we would end up in the same place.


Angelique was right about one thing: I couldn't do that. I couldn't risk Xavier's life - what life he did have here. I wasn't a selfish person. But getting rid of Harley is selfish.

I had to warn her.

Xavier was right.

And tomorrow, I would.

I would warn her, and I could return through the portal.

I fell asleep listening to the screams of Tartarus, only to wake up to nightmares.

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