Sidharth: (cries) How could she do that? She knew how much we planned for our baby. We had decorated our room, got toys, those soft and tiny clothes, cradle with colourful hangings, everything for the baby. She didn't even tell me about her after a week when I gained consciousness.

He was a crying mess. Shehnaaz hugged him to calm him. He hugged her bare body and cried like a child until he calmed. Suddenly he pushed her, his face now showed anger and he shook her holding her arms.

Sidharth: You knew it all the time. Why didn't you tell me this? Why did you hide it? Why?

Shehnaaz: (terrified) I.. I was scared.. I recognised you in the bus after you were clean shaved. But.. the incident in my life didn't allow me to trust any man in life.

Sidharth: I was not just any man, I am her father. How could you doubt a father, damnit? (He shook her harder)

Shehnaaz: Because.. because my father tried to rape me.. (screams and jerks by releasing his grip)

Sidharth was shocked. He shivered at the mere thought of a father thinking of doing such cruelty over his own daughter.

Shehnaaz: I was just 9 year old when he attempted to rape me.. That dog raped my mom everyday and everytime he tortured her. That day she wasn't home as she went to buy grocery after getting beaten up by him like a stray cattle. Since she wasn't there, he thought of fulfilling his lust by eating me up. Do you know how I was orphaned? (She questioned Sidharth, with anger and hatred in her eyes for her father)

He looked at her ferocious eyes. He could see the fire in it, which could burn anyone in her way. He had got his answers but the question she asked made him ponder about the answer. He nodded no.

Shehnaaz: I killed the monster that day. I killed him. I pierced the knife into his stomach 24 times. I didn't have any mercy for him then not even a little bit of guilt or sympathy for him today as well. He was shrieking and his body squirmed and wriggled in pain infront of my eyes but I didn't shed a single drop of tear for him.

Sidharth observed her eyes which wasn't looking at him but staring somewhere at the wall as if she was remembering the minute detail. She was reliving the moment of her killing him. Her hands formed a tight fist and she was speaking with a gritted teeth.

Sidharth could feel each and every emotion of her just by her facial expression and he didn't even feel like she did a crime for even a second. Creases formed on his forehead when he saw her crying suddenly. He thought why would she cry if she wasn't regretful of killing him.

Shehnaaz: My mom.. (sobs) my mom..

Sidharth: (curious) What happened to her, Shehnaaz?

Shehnaaz: She took the blame on herself. I broke the promise I made her today. I had made her a promise that I will not let out this incident to anyone in my life. She is in prison, still serving her sentence, for the crime.. no.. not a crime.. for taking my blame on herself of killing that devil.

Sidharth now got to know the answer for the chit he found in her purse in the afternoon. The chit was an acknowledgement of registered post sent by her to a jail in a different city. He was shocked and confused as to why would she send a post to jail or if it was something else. Shehnaaz wiped her tears and spoke looking right into his eyes.

Shehnaaz: Even after trusting you and wanting to disclose, I couldn't tell you the secret on our marriage day because I learnt that your mother was alive. I didn't wanted you to live with hatred for her because she had discarded your child right after her birth.

Aadya is your and Gunjan's daughter. All this time, you felt that you were part of my family but it was always your family and I am just a stranger and no one in your life.

I won't regret of keeping her away from your family because I just couldn't allow her to be thrown into orphanage to become another Shehnaaz like me who struggled doing all chores at orphanage, ate stale food, slept less or beg on the street and when turn 16 being sold to a rich man to be his slave. I was fortunate enough to save myself from the vultures but not everyone is fortunate like me.

You may believe me or may not. You may want to stay with me or leave me after this. You may continue to love me or hate me for keeping her away from you all these years but just for once think if I hadn't taken her away, she wouldn't have been with you now.

She got up, cleaned herself with a towel and wore her clothes and limped out of the room closing the door behind. Aadya had fallen asleep on the mat with toys around her. She planted a featherlight kiss on Aadya and went outside.

Sidharth wore his clothes and searched his bag pack. He had kept few personal belongings of his mother in it. There was her diary, she had developed the habit of writing her feelings since Sidharth was depressed and didn't talk to anyone after Gunjan's death.

He had never read it but today he opened it. He reads it and he found what exactly he was looking for.
"I have been detected with early stage of Alzheimer, I was worried about my son as Gunjan passed away. The child would have been a burden and hindrance to his future life so I decided to keep it away from his life. The child would remind him of Gunjan and he would never move on in his life. I want him to move on in his life. He is just 27 year old. He will overcome the pain."

He closed the book and pondered.
It's true that I was kept away from my child for three years but how is Shehnaaz at fault in all this? It's my mom who kept Aadya away from me. Whatever Shehnaaz went through in her life, I wouldn't want any girl go through it, let alone my own blood, Aadya. Shehnaaz thinks she was fortunate enough to escape the vultures. No, she wasn't fortunate, she was brave enough to fight those vultures.

She took the responsibility of my child at the age when parents don't cease to worry about their children at that age, going out for party with friends. If she wouldn't have been there, probably my 3 year old would have been seen begging on road.

The amount of care, love and sacrifices she has been making for Aadya, I doubt that Gunjan would have made it, if she was alive. Gunjan loved the baby in her womb and planned everything for her but what Shehnaaz did to an unknown and totally unrelated child is unmatched. I can never hate Shehnaaz for anything after this.

She gave me everything she had in her life - her love, her money and her modesty. Even if Aadya was with me after Gunjan's death, I couldn't have taken such good care of her. I see her struggling with parenting, managing home and earning even me being with her. How painful it would have been to bring up my child upto this age. I gave her yet another pain unknowingly. I can't let her continue to be in pain. She might still survive without me but I won't if she isn't a part of my life.


To be continued.. ❤️❤️

Finally the secrets are out.. how did you feel about their reactions and emotions I tried putting across?

I asked for 100 votes in last chapter which I realised isn't possible because more than 50% don't feel my story is good enough to vote. No worries, atleast you are continuing reading the stories.

Was just imagining, if they really act on this story, their emotions can kill you. 🤧🤧 Do you agree?

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