Slowly their heads start to nod as they process the new information. Tobias squeezes my hip in reassurance. I know that no matter what they think I will still be with Tobias.

"Well,I'm glad you're not a loner anymore Four" Uriah replied. If I'm correct I caught a hint of jealousy in his tone. I give Tobias a confused look. He then stalks off mumbling about going to find Marlene or something.

"Well, we'll let you two be alone" Christina said.

"You're not mad?" I question. I thought for sure Christina would be mad. I mean she told me about Will the second they got together. And here I was keeping this big secret from her for weeks.

"No, but I want details missy" she said narrowing her eyes at me.

"Later" I groaned. How was I supposed to tell her about our relationship when there are certain things she couldn't know? I can't even tell her his name! Christina smiles sweetly and then walks off with Will into the crowd of screeching Dauntless.

I felt Tobias start to rub slow circles on my lower back.

I could smell a faint trace of alcohol in the air. I could hear pops and fizzes as champagne was poured into glasses. Partying was foreign to me seeing as in Abnegation it was considered self indulgent. I've never partied or had a drink before and I wanted to remember this night forever.

Suddenly the mass of people didn't seem very appealing. I was really tired and just wanted some alone time with Tobias. As if he read my mind Tobias asked;

"Hey, do you want to go back to my place?"

"Of course" I replied. Only this time I wasn't nervous. I trust Tobias. I know he won't push my limits. I think. I follow him down the hall. This is right.


Tobias closed his hand around the knob on the door and turns it. He opens the door and stands back to let me in. I look up into his eyes and think about what in the world I did to deserve him. He's just wonderful. He get's me in every way. I couldn't ask for anything more.

I walk through the door and lay out on the couch. I feel all my muscles relax. It had been a long day and I was worn out. Tobias comes through the door behind me.

"Tired?" He chuckles. His eyes light up with happiness.

"Very." I respond. I can feel him eye my stomach. My shirt had rode up a bit and my pale belly button was showing. I know for some people this isn't much, but I shivered under his gaze. God Tris! He's your boyfriend it's not a big deal! I mentally scolded myself.

Tobias must sense my discomfort because he quickly strides over to the opposite end of the couch where my feet are. He sits down jostling the couch and then places my feet in his lap.

I get lost in his eyes. I feel as if they could swallow me whole. The deep blue expanse is mesmerizing. And the flecks of light blue in them are just so beautiful I just can't help but get lost.

Eventually my eyes fall heavy with lack of sleep and close shut. I can still feel Tobias staring at me. Then all of a sudden I feel his warm palm is cradling my chin. His other hand is placed on my shoulder.

"You're so beautiful." He states in a low husky voice. Even though I don't believe

him I smile in return. I know I'm not near beautiful I never have been.

Without warning I feel his lips on mine. His lips are warm and soft moving gently against mine. Electricity course through my veins everywhere he touches me. He puts his hands on my lower back to pull me up into a sitting position. Then they stay there rubbing slow circles making me feel warm inside. I run my fingers through his hair messing it all up.

His lips continue to dance on mine warm and insistent.

Tobias presses his hands on my back pulling me closer so I was sitting on his lap. This is the closest we've ever been. My hands move to his neck pulling him closer to me.

It feels as though fireworks are going off everywhere and my heart is pounding out of my chest.

The kiss tastes sweet but slightly salty. His hands shift to rubbing circles on my hip bones which make me moan. I move my hands down his arms and back feeling his sculpted muscles.

Our lips moved hungrily together. His tongue slides across my bottom lip and I eagerly opened my mouth, wanting to taste more of him. My tongue roams his mouth and he tastes minty.

My shirt was riding up where Tobias was touching me. This was getting to be a too much and my hands started shaking. My palms were sweating. This has to stop soon, I tell myself. I didn't want my sweaty hands to touch Tobias so I rubbed the sweat off on his shirt and hoped he wouldn't notice.

In that instant Zeke comes barging in through the door with a loud sound. Tobias and I spring apart in surprise. I mentally thank Zeke even though I would've stopped Tobias soon. I think.

Zeke has a smug look on his face.

"Sorry did I interrupt something?" he asks. Tobias clears his throat obviously a little annoyed.

"I was just coming in here to say that I'm having a small party at my place tomorrow after the initiates pick their jobs" Zeke continues.

"Okay we'll be there."Tobias answers for us. His tone sounds a little angry.

"Great! See you guys there!"He says with a goofy grin.

After that Zeke quickly leaves and shuts the door behind him.

I'm still in shock. First because I've never been to a Dauntless party before. I'm guessing it will involve alcohol and party games. Like the ones Christina talks about. I definitely won't take part in the alcohol because it never interests me to lose all control. However the games I don't think I have a choice.

And I haven't spent a second thinking about what job I want. I was so focused on making it through initiation I haven't even thought about it.

"Hey Tris!" Tobias say waving a hand in front of my face. I must have zoned out from thinking.

"Ya?" I say.

"You were just staring off into to space it was scaring me." I giggle in response.

"I just don't know what job to pick." It was true, I was completely clueless. I run my hand through my hair and sigh.This was probably the very last thing I wanted to do at the moment.

"Well you're first, do you want to be a leader?" No that was definitely not a choice. Too much time away from Tobias and I would have to see my father. I can still remember his disgraced look he made on Choosing Day. I know he is not pleased with my decision. I shudder at the thought of seeing him again.

"No, definitely not."I say.

"Okay." He replies a little surprised.

"Any other ideas?" He asks me.

Well, definitely not a fence guard. To far away from Dauntless. No control room. I've never been good with technology. Not a nurse. I know Christina wanted to an initiate trainor because Lauren was quitting so that's out of the question. Not a cook. I was not going to work in a clothing store which was no doubt what Christina would pick. What else was there? Oh! A tattoo artist. I don't know if I'd been any good at it but I could work with Tori all day which would be good.

"A tattoo artist."I say firmly. Tobias has a shocked expression. I admit it didn't seem like the kind of job for me at first but now it seemed kind of fun.

"Are you sure?"He questioned.

"Yes"I say now certain of my decision.

"Well if that's what you want"He says pecking my cheek.

"It is"I say with a smile. I think I'm going to like life here in Dauntless.

A/N Please VOTE and COMMENT! My goal is 10 votes so please help me out! Comment what your favorite Divergent Fanfictions are and was this chapter too long? Too short? Just right? Remember you're worth it.

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