"What so-"

"So you're working on a new mixtape, is that right?"

Namjoon swallowed. Sure he was. "Um... yeah-"

"If you're thinking that hard, then it definitely means its going to be good, right?"

Namjoon had been working on a few tracks, that was true. He could show those to Yoongi if he bothered him.

"See, I know when you're thinking of things," Yoongi said. "That's good to hear that you can come up with whole mixtapes when I can't even come up with half a measure."

Namjoon laughed. He blinked a few times after. It was okay. In this room, it was just him and Yoongi. Nobody could hurt him here.


A few times, he did come close to telling the others what he was worried about, but never got the chance to. They would probably say the same thing the staff had said.

Namjoon decided to stay off of social media instead. Maybe if he didn't see the creepy tweets, they would stop. Maybe he was just fretting over nothing. Maybe it really was some guy who had too much time on his hands. Maybe everything was just a joke.

Even then, he made sure to never walk alone at night.


"Was that good?" Namjoon asked. He dropped his arms from the ending pose, resting them on his thighs instead. His breaths came out short and wheezy.

"Hmmm," the choreographer said. He nodded. "That looked fine."

"Make sure you stay around that X," Hoseok said. He pointed to the piece of tape at Namjoon's feet. "You keep moving a bit to the right."

Namjoon agreed along. He didn't know whether he was going to remember that advice or not, but it did give him something to work on.

"Oh yeah, that is a good point Hoseok," the choreographer said. "Yes, Namjoon, do try and remember that. Jungkook is going to be right next to you so don't run into him."

"Yeah, I'm going to remember that for next time, don't worry."

The choreographer smiled, snapping his notebook shut. Hoseok slowly stood up.

Namjoon glanced at his watch. It was past one in the morning.

"I'm so tired." Hoseok sighed. "Thankfully, I don't have to wake up early tomorrow." He looked over at Namjoon. "Come on, my guy. Let's go home. Don't stay late tonight, come on."

"Don't worry," Namjoon said. "I'm not going to."

"Well, I'll be heading home now!" Their choreographer said happily. He was done organizing his bag and had slung it over his shoulder. Namjoon watched as he crossed the dance studio and left.

"I'll be..." Hoseok hummed. He crouched in front of his own bag, starting to rummage through his clothes. "Where did I put... oh..."


Hoseok sat back on the ground, an apologetic look on his face. "Remember when I came into your studio earlier? Yeah, I left the studio keys there."

Namjoon couldn't stop the sigh from escaping his mouth.

"I'm sorry," Hoseok mumbled. "You'll have to close up, I guess."

"You're going to leave?"

Hoseok nodded. "You can go into your studio, get the keys, then lock up. In the meantime, I'll start heading for the dorms."

Namjoon Oneshots and SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now